Oldies: April 2, 1999...

Happy Day-After-April-Fools-Day!! Yesterday was interesting. A couple other staff members keyed into my apartment and tried to see if they could get away with some of my stuff. I'm so anal retentive that I knew everything that was gone. Sad, eh? Then they gave it all to me as gifts at our staff meeting. Talk about getting something you know you want, huh?

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Oldies: March 29, 1999...

Mar 29
I don't understand this one... Dr. Jack Kevorkian (the beloved "Doctor Death") was convicted on 2nd degree murder charges for killing one of his patients. Why?!?! The patient requested that Kevorkian end his life. The patient's family knew and understood...
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Oldies: April 5, 1999...

Apr 5
Well this should be no surprise... I'm thinking of changing the topic of my term paper in my Scorsese class yet again. If you recall, I started out wanting to talk about the influence of his independent films. Next, I...


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