Oldies: December 18, 1999...

Happy anniversary, Katie!! For those of you who are confused about this one (I don't know how that's possible), my girlfriend Kate and I are celebrating our one year anniversary today. Really cool if I do say so myself. And for those of you who know me, you know I do say so quite often. This is the longest I've ever dated anyone and I plan to keep it going for a long time more. I love you hon!

[editor's note: I'm posting this in 2013 and it's still going!]

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Oldies: December 12, 1999...

Dec 12
Woo-hoo!!! Classes are finally over for the semester!!! I am now in my final semester of grad school before heading out into the real world. Guess that means I'd better start applying for jobs and going out on interviews, eh?...
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Oldies: December 19, 1999...

Dec 19
Hey, my webpage for Dr. Gary Burns is finally posted on its own URL. Check it out at www.niu.edu/popms! [editor's note: the website no longer exists at that address.]


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