Oldies: June 29, 2000...
I'm probably going to catch some slack for what I'm about to say, but, what the heck. Yesterday, Elian Gonzalez finally was allowed to leave the United States and return home to Cuba with his father. I say, it's about damned time. I agree that he may have a life with greater freedom here in the U.S. But, how can you, in good conscience, separate a little boy from the father he so obviously loves? Look at the pictures when they're together... the kid's ecstatic to see his dad again. If Juan Miguel wants to defect and keep his boy here with him, then so be it. However, he wants to return to Cuba. Let him. To the Florida relatives... Elian is not your kid. You have no say whatsoever in his life. Let him be with his father in a Communist country if that's what he wants. Deal with it. Your fifteen minutes are up.