Oldies: December 15, 2000...

What a dreary day this is. I left my house this morning and there was a small sheet of frozen snow on my windshield. Nothing too bad. Then I looked at the neighborhood. All the trees are covered in ice and snow. The snow on the ground is very fresh and white (save for what's been plowed off the streets). But the really dreary thing is that the entire sky is foggy and white. In some areas, it's hard to tell where the sky ends and the ground begins. Blecch. I will admit, though, that this is a great day for cuddling inside a warm house with your significant other (if you have one - I do). Oh, Katieeeeeee....

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Oldies: December 14, 2000...

Dec 14
If there is anybody out there who follows the Chicago Bears, then you know that this season has been less than spectacular. They are well below .500, but the wins that they have managed have been pretty incredible to watch....
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Oldies: December 17, 2000...

Dec 17
Damn good day today. To celebrate our 2 year anniversary (albeit a day early... TS), Katie and I went downtown to the Briar Street Theater to check out Blue Man Group. I've seen it before so I knew what to...


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