All this time you put up a fear for 100,000 years...
I hope you don't mind some bullets today...
As much as I loathe shopping, I must say that it has panned out a bit in my favor the last couple of days. The other night, Katie and I went to Kohl's and I got a really cool pair of Skechers shoes. I really like Skechers and don't mind getting a little girlie about shopping for them. They're the last vestige of cool I've got going for me so I've gotta enjoy it while I can. And these are pretty darned cool.
Also, last night, Katie asked if I would stop out at a mall nearer to where I work to pick up a skirt they were holding for her (another store called in the hold). I hadn't been in this mall in years and, let me tell you, it was really nice inside. Not nearly as cluttered as all the other malls I've ever visited in my life. There were no abandoned storefronts like the mall near where I live (which, I think, is sitting at about 60% capacity... sad). But, most importantly, it wasn't littered with people. Perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that I was there on a Wednesday night during weather that would drive most to want to visit the more trendy outdoor malls. Whatever. I liked it. And the skirt that Katie had me pick up is very awesome. She's gonna rock that skirt. And I picked up a copy of a card game called Guillotine from Gamer's Paradise (a store I'll never stop enjoying) that a friend introduced me to a couple weeks ago.
Wait, I did shop a little at the one place where I do like shopping... the iTunes Store. I bought Ozzy Osbourne's new album, Black Rain, and it rocks. The good Ozzy -- circa No More Tears and prior -- is back. Most importantly, so is Zakk Wylde. That man can shred like no other.
Finally, after having them in our possession for more than a month and a half, Katie and I finished the three Netflix DVDs we've been meaning to watch. On Sunday, we seemingly pulled an Africa Day watching both Blood Diamond and The Last King of Scotland. Both were amazing with the edge going to Diamond.
Last night, I finally watched Children of Men. I had to watch that one without Katie because she had no desire to see it whatsoever. It was good, but strange. I love scifi flicks that are not blatantly scifi in feel and this definitely qualified. It was about people living in Britain in 2026, 18 years after everybody in the world mysteriously became sterile. All of a sudden, a refugee woman is found to be pregnant and it's up to a guy named Theo (Clive Owen) to make sure she escapes the wartorn country to a mythical group called the Human Project who can guarantee her's and her child's safety. Really dark and depressing world created by Alfonso Cuaron, the director of the best of the bunch of Harry Potter films, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
I'm a bit upset. I just discovered that, according to my StatCounter site meter, I'm about to hit 100,000 page views. But I'm going to break this plateau while I'm in Vegas, so I'll never actually see it. No these are not all that have hit my site. This is actually just since last July when I signed up for this service.
At the time I signed up, my Typepad stats said I was at about 25,000 hits. So I just assumed I would be at 125,000 when StatCounter read 100K. However, as time has passed, the counts between the two services have inched ever closer. Now there's only a 5K difference between them. Either one is counting too fast or one is counting too slow or some combination therein. I'm not sure what to believe anymore.
That's funny, I have children of men sitting right here on my desk from netflix all ready to watch. I also have the Painted Veil (have NO idea what it's about) and then our third mystery movie should be on it's way soon. :) But I think it's YOU who has been holding up my seeind Diamond - you have been holding it hostage! :) Do they ever send an email asking if you plan on returning movies? Just curious...
Posted by: Kyra | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 08:40 AM
Those are all movies I plan to watch over this weekend. I have been especially looking forward to Children of Men. Oh, and I like to think of Cuaron as the director of Y tu mama tambien.
Posted by: Dagny | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 09:23 AM
I did a movie marathon while on the Singapore Airlines flight from Amsterdam last month. I watched all of the movies you've mentioned, plus "The Painted Veil". I liked them all, but I loved "The Painted Veil". I've liked every movie I've ever seen with Edward Norton. The guy is just a great actor. Two of my favs, "American History X" and "Fight Club" -- both violent as hell, and while trying to cover my eyes... I still peer out to watch. He's just that great!
I've got to say, TypePad and WordPress are really bad about posting comments for me. I don't understand, is it because I'm a lowly "Blogspot" person?
Posted by: Geeky Tai-Tai | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 09:24 AM
Children of Men...there's one I really want to see. Thanks for the reminder. I need to add it to my Netflix. Right now I'm busy watching "Six Feet Under," which I absolutely love.
That's weird, how the stats are approaching each other. How the flip does that work?
Posted by: Karl | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 09:43 AM
I just watched Children of Men this last weekend and loved it. The ending was a little off for me but who am I to question it?
I am going to watch The Last King of Scotland today so yay for your approval! In some ways, it pays to be super sick...lots of hot Netflix action this week!
Posted by: Hilly | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 10:24 AM
Guillotine! I love Guillotine! I think it's a great gateway game. Have you tried Ticket to Ride or Transamerica yet? Or Carcassonne? Yay! Eurogames!
Posted by: Erin | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 02:09 PM
I loved Blood Diamond at the cinema so much that it is on my LoveFilm list now! Children of Men was truly fantastic to. Good tast in movies as always.
Posted by: Bec | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 02:17 PM
We too have Children of Men waiting to be watched!
Sweet shoes, The hub wears Sketcher's too.
Posted by: Foo | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 02:19 PM
Omg, Children of Men is one of the best movies to come out in like the last 5 years (in my not-so-humble opinion). Never mind the fact that I'm a huge scifi/ post-apocolyptic scenario fan. Even KJ kinda liked this movie.
Personally, the reference to contemporary culture is what made it so thrilling for me. The first scenes in the prison camp had me riveted. Catch the Abu Ghrab reference scene? Wikipedia has a great write up about the film and all that went into it.
Posted by: Dustin | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 02:35 PM
I'm having a "you're so cute with Katie" moment. Again.
Posted by: sandra | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 04:13 PM
Hey Kev,
Children of Men was written by PD James whose forte is mystery novels. The book was pretty good. Not stellar. You have me intrigued about the movie...
Posted by: Nat | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 05:09 PM
I should pay more attention to my statcounters methinks.
I wasn't a big fan of "The Last King of Scotland"... mostly because Forrest Whitaker freaked me out.
Posted by: Bre | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 08:17 PM
An entry about shopping? You are too cute Kevin ;)
P.S. you+me+diane must get together soon!
Posted by: kilax | Thursday, 24 May 2007 at 08:37 PM
Kyra, I had March of the Penguins for three months (still never watched it) and I never received any e-mail asking for it back. Wouldn't surprise me if suddenly you do wind up receiving Blood Diamond, though.
Dagny, I think of him from Mama as well, but I wanted to state a title that most people might recognize a bit more readily. Besides, both Azkaban and Children had that really dark, scary feel to them.
Geeky, AHX was one of Norton's finest roles ever! The jaw kick...
Karl, I have no idea.
Hilly, nothing like Netflix at your side when you're sick, eh?
Erin, um, no, no, and no. What's a "gateway game"?
Bec, thanks!
Foo, Skechers are awesome! Both cool looking and almost too incredibly comfortable to believe.
Dustin, I missed Abu Ghraib, but did you catch the Pink Floyd reference?
sandra, you get those a lot, don't you?
Nat, I was thinking about picking up the book. Does that constitute a recommendation?
Bre, he was horrifically freaky. And that's what made it so great. He pulled off that role fantastically and so deserved his Oscar.
kilax, sick, isn't it? Guys should never post about shopping unless it's an electronics store. I think Chase is going to ask for my mancard again. And we should. Maybe sometime after I get back. We are in the summer, after all!
Posted by: kapgar | Friday, 25 May 2007 at 06:16 AM
I finally watched Children of Men last night. I thought of you when I caught the Pink Floyd reference.
Posted by: Dagny | Sunday, 27 May 2007 at 11:33 AM
Wasn't that awesome!?!?
Posted by: kapgar | Tuesday, 05 June 2007 at 07:03 AM