Stupid Brain

What up peeps.  Kevin is in jail for the week or in the Bahamas or something so you're stuck with his crusty group of replacement bloggers for the next five days.  I wandered over from my own little unkempt corner to make sure his blog doesn't fall apart while he's making bail or pina coladas errrr whatever.  Enjoy!


If any normal, rational person could get inside my head and read my thoughts, it would be a pretty safe bet that 10 out of 10 concerned citizens would volunteer me for a vacation in a room with padded walls.  I say this not because I hear lots of voices or anything, but more to the point that the one voice I do hear (my own internal monologue) is so cracked out that the only logical conclusion must be that I'm a few croutons short of a salad.

In my head I live in this world where I'm more or less the biggest bad ass to walk the face of the earth, which means, if you've ever met me you're probably mouthing the word "delusional" right now.  And you would be right in doing so.

For instance I have this on running fantasy in my head that on my way to work one day I get cited for jay walking, but instead of dutifully accepting the ticket and apologizing for ignoring my civic duty, I mouth off to the bike cops.  Usually the picture show in my brain has me calling the nice officers  tri-cycle  rent-a-cops  and telling them to go stop a real crime and stop wasting tax payer's money.  It's usually about halfway through these little day dreams of mine that the logic factor kicks in and makes me realize that about the time I got done uttering the word "tri-cycle" any normal cop would probably taz me in the face and I'd more than likely be the guy who violently loses control of his bodily functions  when a large amount of electricity  gets introduced to his body.  So pretty much I go from thinking how much I'd love to tell off cops to picturing myself rolling in the gutters with poo stained chinos. 

I also have this fantasy where someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night and I get to engage them in mortal combat for the sake of self defense (very red-blooded of me, no?).  The sequence always starts cool enough with me using like a belt or a picture frame to deflect their knife attacks and then round house kicking them through the living room window.  But wouldn't ya know it, about the time I'm trying to enjoy the limelight of having Van-Dam'd some punkass through a large sheet of glass the logic kicks in and makes me re-evaluate.  Usually I end up re-thinking the whole scenario and realizing that more than likely, I'd be on the toilet when someone decided to break into my place and instead of some swiss army knife, they'd probably be packing a shotgun or other large bore weapon. So suddenly in my head I've gone from ass-kicking urban  hero with his fists raised high doing the Rocky dance to sitting on the john with a barrel shoved in his face literally crapping his guts out.  And no, I don't think it's any coincidence that every time I spoil my own fantasies it usually involves fecal matter.  There's a metaphor in there I just know it.

Probably the most disturbing thing about my buzz kill of a rational side is that it doesn't seem to bode well evolutionarily for me.  My delusions of grandeur are totally understandable when looked at in the context of natural selection.  As a caveman I needed to be able to visualize myself taking out a whole of herd of Woolly Mammoths with nothing but a stick and some rocks...ya know...fight or flight.  Cavechicks dig a man with big dreams.  But throw in the tendency for my head to spoil all my best day dreams and suddenly I'm not the caveman whose bringing home the Mammoth bacon.  No, in fact it's quite the opposite, I'm the caveman archaeologists dig out in pieces 10,000 years later because a Mammoth decided to kick me for a field goal.

And yes, I'd bet they'd find fossilized shit in my pre-historic loin cloth.

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Somebody put me together...

May 17
I thought I'd leave you with one quickie pre-written post of snippets to say good bye before Katie and I head out to sunny F-L-A (it is sunny right now, isn't it?). 1000 First, I just realized, much to my...
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Empty Brain

May 19
Hey there, kapgar readers! How goes it?! It's Nilsa here, from that other blog over there called SoMi (fondly named after my dog, even though it's not a dog blog at all). So, kapgar here asked me to guest post...


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You are a legend in your own mind and that's all that matters, right?


I think Kevin is already regretting asking guest bloggers to help him out. Heheheh.


I dunno... you were pretty bad-ass on that big game hunting trip we took in Philadelphia!

Oh wait... that was a video game.


@ Lisa: EXACTLY!!!

@ Nilsa: I think he does it on purpose so that his regular readers will miss even more. :)

@ Dave2: All I have are my digital exploits.


Fantasy lives and how I treat each one is very similar to your fantasy scenarios. With the exception that mine doesn't take me back to the caveman days. Or kicking ass in a mortal combat contest. I have, in real life, mouthed off to a cop... it wasn't intentional, but it happened. At least he took it as me mouthing off to him. I simply asked him "Do you have proof that I was driving 15 miles over the limit?" All hell broke loose and I was given a ticket for speeding, which I accepted without further comment.

I only wish that experience would have been a fantasy.

Black Belt Mama

Very funny post, but in all seriousness, visualizing being a bad ass is a step in the right direction. If you can visualize yourself doing it, you're more likely to react in the appropriate and decided upon way. In karate we often talk about how visualizing an attacker and what you'd do, can go a long way to saving your life someday. Poo-less too.


This was funny! Looks like I'm going to have to check out yet another blog ;o)


It's a good thing that you didn't try that jaywalking business when you were in Philly! They would have been bustin' Dustin in the street and kicking his head open!!

Iron Fist

Evolutionarily speaking, you're a stupendous badass, from a long line of stupendous badasses. And don't you forget it!




you don't post this coherently on your own blog. WTF?

Too bad you don't take out the bad guys and poop yourself in your delusions. That would make you a smelly and fearsome super-hero


All I have to say is that I totally pink puffy heart you with cherries on top.

Don't demand more from me this time, bitch ;)


Dude! I told you not to reveal details about my legal entanglements! WTF!

I've had similar visions of myself as a sort of superhero and I've also come to the same realizations about the reality of the situation should it actually happen. Sad, isn't it?

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