Sum, sum, sum, sum, summertime...

Hey all! Happy Saturday to you.

Nothing much going on here right now, so let me direct you over to Secondhand Tryptophan where yours truly is guest blogging as part of Karl's Summer of Love.

I was nervous as hell doing this guest post, but it seems to have gone pretty well. So if you have a moment, drop on by and check things out. Talk atcha soon!


Totally Unrelated Aside (TUA): I don't care what the naysayers say, Katie and I loved The Dark Knight. Awesome! And Heath was fantastic. It's not just hype. Seriously.

Previous Post


Jul 18
In one hour, Katie and I will be here... Yes, we both have the day off and we're spending part of it to go see The Dark Knight. However, I thought it was merely luck that we had a day...
Next Post

Call me a relic, call me what you will...

Jul 20
There are some things I truly hate about the summer. The biggest of which is the fact that it seems that we have something planned every weekend. So far as I can tell, our lives are pretty well "on reserve"...


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Saw the movie last night. It was a little longer than I'm capable of sitting still, but I thought it was good. Very different from the Batman movies I grew up with.


Stacey, the first one was pretty much as long but with much slower sequences. I don't think Dark Knight ever slowed down.


Thanks for guest posting again, dude.


I just hope it was an okay post. ;-)


There are naysayers? Really??
Well, everyone has a right to an opinion. I'll probably have mine up tomorrow. :)


diane, yeah. Like you said, they're all entitled, but I don't necessarily agree with what they said. They claimed bad acting and no plot. Struck me as completely the opposite to be honest.

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