My rhyme ain’t done…

A post for Odie
Who loves her a good haiku
Shame I’ll let her down.

Don’t blog while tired
Or your post will suffer bad
Crash and burn, huh Mav?

“When it rains, it pours”
But have you considered this?
Forecasters know shit.

Edwards is a whore
Now he has a bastard kid
Why’d he ever lie?

Avatar at third
On the all-time movie list
I still love Star Wars.

Haiti rocked by quakes
Many residents have died
Why does God hate them?

Golden Globes sucked ass
Most winners were a big joke
But Dexter rocks hard.

Busy taking pics
My camera’s going nuts
Will my efforts shine?

Missed the gym last night
I really wanted to go
What’s wrong with my head?

Still want T-U-A?
Haven’t I written enough?
My head really hurts.


Previous Post

If you change your way, baby...

Jan 20
Howsabout some Snippety Goodness this fine Snippet Wednesday? Heart Before about three weeks ago, I can honestly say I'd never even heard of the movie Crazy Heart. Now it's blown up all over due to the Golden Globe award winning...
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Out soaked in 95th Street beer...

Jan 22
Hey! That's my Boddington's, you ungrateful little bastard! That last shot was completely unintentional. I was trying to clip him to the lip of the glass for a planned shot of him atop a full glass. Then he did a...


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The "when it rains, it pours" verse made me laugh out loud.

Sybil Law

Kapgar writes good stuff
Even when his head is hurt
I suck at this shit



I can't write a haiku to save my life. Never, ever. Nope. Not gonna happen.

It's because my brain is lazy.


Hey, that sounded pretty good to me!


Oh your brain is anything but lazy. Just gotta try it.


Thanks. I was worried about that one not working out so well.


Many thanks to Kapgar
For a lovely haiku post
Really made me smile

Friday? Of the suck.
Ice makes for a long commute.
Friends like you? Awesome!


That was pretty impressive buddy. Finish Season 4 yet??


LOL. I thought the same about Star Wars. :)
Odie doesn't have a blog, does she?


Ooohhhhh and I get haiku thank yous. Sweet!


I know I already told you via e-mail, but YES! AND I LOVED IT!!!!


Nope. Still working on getting her blogging. It'll happen soon. I hope.


I'm still trying to get internet at home. Bought a wireless card, and it turned out to be the wrong kind, so I'm still trying to find the 'right' kind. I'm impatiently waiting.



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