18 posts from May 2011

I'm ready to play...

It's not often that Katie and I get to see a movie in the middle of the week. While I work regular 8-5 hours, Katie is in retail and her hours are all over the place. Plus we work in completely opposite directions of each other and the only theater right in between us is a slightly pricier one that we'd rather not pay for during prime evening hours.

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Me oh my oh me and guy oh...

Welcome to a particularly stormy Snippet Wednesday. Well, it's stormy for this of us here in Chicagoland anyway.

Even though Katie and I are very upset at the fact that the Chicago Bulls are now down three games to one to the Miami Heat, we've been having a little fun watching the games. Seems that despite the fact we are both "adults," we giggle like schoolgirls every time the play-by-play announcers talk about players getting "deep penetration" on the court. Okay, so we're each 30-something years old with the maturity of five year olds. Sue us.

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We don't need no water...

As I Tweeted last week, we took Katie's car into the shop to have some work done on the brakes. Turns out work was needed on both the front and rear brakes as one set was so badly shredded (the rear) that they weren't working at all and all stopping force was transferred to the front brakes and they were worn to nothing as a result.

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Please save us from punk rock 101...

I found this meme at Blogography, Blondefabulous, Secondhand Tryptophan, Marty, Poppy, and Bubblewench. So thank you all for giving me a wonderfully lazy Thursday of blogging.

Cien mas uno (101):

ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? I have a scar on the back of my head that is quite a bit more visible now that I shave my head. It's from when I flipped my car at age 16. Survived thanks to my seatbelt.

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Tell my story, Charlie's making me...

Most of the upfront fall schedules have been announced by the major television networks in the last few days so today's Snippet Wednesday will highlight some of the more interesting goings-on (as per my own personal estimation) this coming fall season on the small screen.  

Happy Endings was renewed! Happy Endings was renewed! Need I say more? Didn't think so.

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This is the end...

There's been a lot floating about the Twittersphere lately about the Rapture happening this weekend.
In case you're not religiously inclined, according to 1 Thessalonians 4:17, the Rapture is basically the End of Times when true Christians will vanish from Earth and meet Christ. Anybody who doesn't believe will either be left behind (hence the series of Christian books under the "Left Behind" banner; remember those?) or die or burn or just cease to exist or any number of other theories.

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And now I find the man is dead...

Osama Bin Laden is dead.

Or so declared the thousands of headlines on TV, news websites, Twitter, Facebook, billboards, print newspapers, and anywhere else you can imagine.

My relief at the announcement lasted all of 10 seconds before the questions kicked in full swing. Then I started reading a bunch of articles and realized that, for once, my concerns were actually well founded. At least in my opinion and, apparently, those of several people I've spoken with today.

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