I've got the worst hangover from you...
I'm going to take a moment to recap a few movies that Katie and I saw over the weekend.
X-Men: First Class
I've been looking forward to this prequel film in the X-Men series ever since I saw my first teaser trailer. I'm not a huge X-Men fan. In fact, I've never read any comics or trades on the series. Mutant comics never did much for me in all honesty. But I saw the first two movies and enjoyed them as well as the Origins: Wolverine film a few years ago (although I never saw X-Men: Last Stand). Good stuff.
This one, though, really appealed to me because of the historical aspects of it. The trailer promised a setting that was during WWII and the Cuban Missile Crisis and, well, that's just cool. Plus, I am a big fan of backstories on movies and books. How could this movie miss?
It didn't. It was sooooooo good. One of the best superhero/comic book movies I've ever seen. It's right up there with The Dark Knight and Iron Man as far as I'm concerned. Katie, who has no real history with the X-Men storyline (even less than I have) loved it.
The story? Fantastic. The directing? Wow! The acting? Top notch. I don't really know who Michael Fassbender is (he was in Inglourious Basterds, though I can't remember his character at the moment; I may have to watch it again... <sarcasm>oh, twist my arm</sarcasm>), but he was just incredible as Erik Lensherr/Magneto. He brought such a range to that role and made him easily the most compelling character the series has ever seen. I want to see more of him and look forward to the inevitable sequel.
Oh, and there were some pretty cool cameos peppered in the movie. They're short, so keep your eyes open for them. The only disappointment with it was the lack of any post-credit bonus footage. Not a bit. Couldn't believe it.
One last note, when the time comes that James Bond flicks get made again and Daniel Craig steps down from the role as 007, I'd like to nominate Fassbender. He'd be fan-freakin'-tastic! Okay, yeah, he's German. But I still think he'd be great in the part.
The Hangover, Part II
Originally when I tweeted about seeing X-Men: First Class, I mentioned that it was part 1 in a two part superhero double feature. The plan was to see Thor as our second film. However, after seeing X-Men, Katie decided she wanted something funny and, even though I wasn't looking forward to seeing it, I decided why not? While I loved the original film, I never felt as though it needed a sequel and that it was just the studio capitalizing on and, basically, whoring out the spirit of the film just to make money (what else is new, right?).
Yes, it is basically the first film redone in a new setting. Yes, Chow (Ken Jeong) plays a larger part in the film and I'm not really a fan of his at all. Yes, it is raunchy, but could easily have been far worse. And, yes, there is a smoking monkey. But despite all this, I really enjoyed it. I can't believe I'm saying that because I did not want to see it at all and, yet, here I am admitting that it was not only worth the money we spent on it but that I don't regret the experience in the slightest.
Wow. I guess miracles never will cease.
Green Hornet
Check that, miracles did kinda cease on Sunday when Katie and I popped in the DVD for the Michel Gondry-helmed Green Hornet. This film came out in January and made the all-too-brief walk of shame from big screen to DVD by the tail end of April/very early May. Not a good sign. But it was Seth Rogen and I typically like the guy, so I was willing to watch it.
It started bad. Way overacted. Everything fell in place too easily. The characters were horribly boring (even Christoph Waltz as the head baddie did nothing to save the film). To say the plot was subpar would be an insult to subpar plots everywhere. Yet I kept watching. And Katie kept giving me the stink eye. But I couldn't stop. I kept willing it to get better. It didn't. It got worse.
Green Hornet is basically two hours and a buck or so of my monthly Netflix subscription fee that I'll never get back. Helluva way to wrap up an otherwise great weekend of moviewatching.
I saw X-Men, too, and really enjoyed it. Was shocked at no post-end-credits scene, though. What's up with that, Marvel?
Posted by: Karl | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 11:53 AM
They've had the extra scenes in basically every Marvel movie of the last 10 years. Actually maybe not the other X-Men movies. I don't remember. Fantastic aside from that, though.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 12:00 PM
I've only seen The Hangover 2. I was pleasantly surprised, and I laughed out loud. Uproariously at times, even. Although I certainly could have waited until the dvd came out. But really? Who can pass up a smoking monkey?
Posted by: Julie (queenofpink) | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 12:04 PM
Hmmm. I've been curious about X-Men. Maybe I'll check it out.
Posted by: Stacey | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 12:29 PM
The monkey was just too cool.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 12:36 PM
As I indicated... highly recommended.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 12:36 PM
So that's quite a few "it's the same movie but go see it anyway" recommendations for Hangover 2 so that's good enough for me.
Posted by: Kevin Spencer | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 04:47 PM
We saw Pirates. It was. . . okay. Too long though.
Posted by: sizzle | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 05:24 PM
I shared this post with Steven on reader and told him I thought your Green Hornet review was funny. Then he responded that we got that today in the mail from Netflix. Wah.
Still trying to decide whether or not to see X-Men in the theater. Maybe when my FiL and BiL come to visit and we are looking for something to do.
Posted by: kilax | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 06:03 PM
You're a geek so I think you'd enjoy X-Men. Let me know what you think of Hornet. Heh heh.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 06:51 PM
I was surprised how much I enjoyed Pirates. Did you stay through the credits?
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 06:52 PM
Tell me what you think.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 06:52 PM
My cousin promised me I would pee my pants laughing at The Hangover. I didn't. But I did smile and I laughed out loud when Jeong jumped out of the trunk. I haven't seen the sequel yet. I doubt I'll pee myself laughing at that one, either, but it sounds like it might be worth a grin or two.
Posted by: Capricorn Cringe | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 07:56 PM
I am the least movie -going person I know. It's kind of weird, how rarely I ever go to the theater.
Posted by: Sybil Law | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 09:02 PM
Do you rent a lot or just never watch movies?
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 09:30 PM
Definitely worth that much so long ad you could appreciate the first. But if you didn't like the first, steer clear of this one.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 06 June 2011 at 09:31 PM