Anything you want, any dirty deed...

I love how the train of thought works sometimes.  

I was trying to come up with a blog post and had come up with zilch. Then I saw an article online about how the new Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn Part I, had broken $30M in the overnight box office.

This got me thinking about a post admitting that, yes, I am going to see the movie tonight with Katie, my Bro, and the SiL.  

Originally, my plan was to do it something like a prayer for forgiveness from the almighty. Kinda akin to a confession in a Catholic church.  

Forgive me father, for I have sinned...  

Suddenly all these follow-up words began swirling around in my head.  

I've been through Hell and back again...

I wasn't quite sure where they were coming from.  

I shook hands with the Devil; looked him in the eye; looked like a long-lost friend...

Before I knew it, I had the entirety of Van Halen's "Mine All Mine" pounding in my cerebrum. Now my desktop speakers are pounding it as well.

And it was good. Very good.  


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Save a horse...

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Did you know that Foursquare is environmentally friendly? I discovered this today and I don't mean in the whole using-your-phone-saves-a-tree way, either. I was out at lunch and I stopped at this giant CompUSA warehouse outlet (formerly Tiger Direct for...
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But that don't change the way I feel about you...

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Nothing like spending a couple hours of your Saturday waiting in queue at the Apple Store Genius Bar. The iPod in Katie's iPhone had gone all kinds of wonky freezing on every song while playing in shuffle mode. We restored...


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Sybil Law

Excellent song - too bad you had to associate it with Twilight! :)


Fantastic song, indeed. 

Marty Mankins

Anything that brings a Van Halen song into your head, works well. Now where is my digital copy of OU812?


I can hook ya up. Not sure what the bitrate is, though. 

Marty Mankins

I was able to find it (had to spell OU812 right in iTunes). Mine is 128 bit rate, which is fine for some Van Hagar.


Yeah, a lot of that stuff from the 80s and 90s was kinda lacking in recording quality.

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