But that don't change the way I feel about you...

Nothing like spending a couple hours of your Saturday waiting in queue at the Apple Store Genius Bar.

The iPod in Katie's iPhone had gone all kinds of wonky freezing on every song while playing in shuffle mode. We restored it to factory settings, reinstalled, rebooted, re-everything... and nada.

And while it took a while to finally have somebody help us (BUSY is an understatement), they actually helped. They ran a simple diagnostic on it and, despite getting the "all clear," replaced her iPhone completely. 

Apple, unlike Best Buy, helped.

Apple, unlike Best Buy, didn't turn us away.

Apple, unlike Best Buy, didn't infer I was a liar.

Apple, unlike Best Buy, didn't leave me with a sour taste in my mouth.

Apple, unlike Best Buy, will continue to receive my business.

I got a couple books signed the other day. Pretty cute kids books by Tom Angleberger titled The Strange Case of Origami Yoda and Darth Paper Strikes Back

They're fun and I'm really glad that Tom signed them despite the fact I couldn't attend the event in person.

Thanks, Tom. Looking forward to reading the books.

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Anything you want, any dirty deed...

Nov 18
I love how the train of thought works sometimes. I was trying to come up with a blog post and had come up with zilch. Then I saw an article online about how the new Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn Part...
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Take me home tonight...

Nov 20
It's kinda strange to me that after all these years with LEGO building toys having been known and beloved that they are just within the last year or so beginning to advertise them pretty heavily on TV. I don't mind...


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My nephew loves Star Wars! I should get him those books!

Suzanne Apgar

You should forward the info about your Best Buy experience to corporate.


Do it! They're pretty unique. 


I've complained to them before and gotten no reply at all. This was back when the linked incident happened. 

Kevin Spencer

I've had nothing but good experiences with the Apple Store. An apple keyboard of mine had a key come off and I broke it accidentally while trying to reattach it (bloody big fat fingers of mine). So I took the keyboard to the Apple Store hoping they could just replace the key. They gave me a brand new keyboard. For free. No receipt of proof of purchase required.


In an era when customer service has gone by the wayside in favor of salvaging some semblance of profitability, it's nice to have the Apple Store restore that faith. I just hope they don't change. 

Marty Mankins

The Genius Bar is very busy these days, but in almost every time I have taken in my Apple products, they have helped. My last experience was an iPhone 3GS replacement. It's all shiny again. As is Katie's iPhone.


Yeah, you really have to plan ahead for the Genius Bar. 

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