I hear my name (Steven)...

I've been reading a ton of online stories about Steve Jobs ever since his death a couple months ago. And, despite his bristly attitude and eccentricity and his many well-documented flaws, I still like the guy. 

The sheer amount of coverage of his death and tributes that have rolled in make it clear that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

I had heard from people about these political cartoons regarding Steve Jobs but had never seen them myself until they were e-mailed to me today by Katie's parents. 








I love them all. I hope you do, too.

Katie made a pretty interesting declaration last night.

She wants a new career.

And, considering we were watching Covert Affairs at the time, she announced that she wanted to be a spy.

Or a ninja.

Or, best yet, a ninja spy.

I think it would be pretty cool. Of course, my excessive laughter may not have made it obvious that I support her new life plan.

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No! This is just a tribute...

Nov 22
I know that a couple weeks ago, I said I had "an issue" with the recording industry. Do you really think I have just a single issue with them? That would be way too easy. A brief Twitter convo with...
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Turkey for me, turkey for you...

Nov 24
To you and yours, have a happy Thanksgiving. Please enjoy it safely.


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Bob "Pappy" Richardson

I happen to know of a highly reputable ninja spy school. I can give her the information but only on an abandoned dock during a new moon right after they hosed down the streets. She will have to know the code to decipher the message which I will have available to her via air drop 3 hours before the meeting.


But will there be an ice cream social?

Suzanne Apgar

Love the cartoons!!

Marty Mankins

They are all clever, but I like the first one overall. A meeting of inventors. Brilliant.


They are fun. 


A meeting of the minds. 

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