I wanna taste...
I have no idea what Katie and I did to make this happen but, for some reason, we have no taste.
Yeah yeah, I can just hear the jokes rolling in now, but I'm serious. Something happened on Saturday night that had caused us to lose all sense of taste in our mouths.
We were at a Starbucks on Saturday drinking a latte (me) and hot tea (her) and had dinner a little bit later at Five Guys and everything was fine. We went to a girls college soccer game in Wheaton after that and then headed home where we had hot chocolate and watched some TV.
The next morning, however, we went with Katie's family to a restaurant in Crystal Lake for breakfast and everything tasted bland. We've been to this place dozens of times before and it's always been great. Even the water was strange, though. Like drinking through a washcloth. This, in turn, affected the coffee.
Our lunch and dinner were the same way. Katie made homemade meatloaf and it smelled fantastic, but I just couldn't taste it or the mashed potatoes or corn or pumpkin bars for dessert.
This morning, my blueberry Greek yogurt had zilch flavor and the water still tasted funny despite coming from a totally different source.
Can taste buds burn out like that? If so, what do I need to do to "reboot" them, as it were? And why did it happen to both of us?
Clearly Wheaton is messing with me for decrying their inability to manage an evacuation from their soccer field. Bastards!
Well, it's that or the hot chocolate.
Did you burn any candles, wax potpourri, or incense at home before it happened? Sometimes that stuff will get into your sinuses without you realizing it and affect the taste of food after. It's happened to us before.
P.S. This site won't let me comment from Safari on my phone. It always says my email address is invalid.
Posted by: nicole | Monday, 07 November 2011 at 03:53 PM
I don't know about that, but every time we fly somewhere Mike claims to not be able to taste food for like a week after, which is a bummer because vacation eating is the best.
Posted by: Amanda | Monday, 07 November 2011 at 04:31 PM
No burning of any of that since Halloween. It's strange. As for commenting, I'm replying via Safari on my iPhone. Another strange one. Not sure why it's not working for you but I'll bring it up to Typepad admins and see if they're aware of any issues.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 07 November 2011 at 05:06 PM
That would suck. I agree that vacation eating is the best.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 07 November 2011 at 05:08 PM
Maybe you both have sinus issues? That's weird. Whatever it is, don't give it to me!!
Posted by: Sybil Law | Monday, 07 November 2011 at 05:50 PM
But my momma told me to share.
Posted by: kapgar | Monday, 07 November 2011 at 05:57 PM
But seriously, it could be that the hot drinks put them out of commission for a little bit. Hope those taste buds come back!
Posted by: Marie | Tuesday, 08 November 2011 at 09:03 AM
That is bizarre!
I'm pretty sure you've been taken over by aliens.
Posted by: Sizzle | Tuesday, 08 November 2011 at 10:07 AM
You need to get some coarse sandpaper or a fine cheese grater and briskly shave off all the taste buds on your tongues. Next, you need to buy a package of new taste buds... you can find them in any store gardening section. Plant them on your tongue by putting them into small holes made with an awl spaced out every millimeter. Then stretch your tongues out and clamp them to a windowsill so that the buds get sunlight. Spray them with water every hour, on the hour, but don't put the tongue back in your mouth until the buds grow back, or the saliva will kill them. Baby taste buds are very sensitive, you know. After about 2-3 weeks, the buds should have matured enough that you can put the tongue back in your mouth. Your world will then be filled with the most amazing taste sensations that you probably haven't felt since you were a baby.
Posted by: Stun Nutz | Tuesday, 08 November 2011 at 11:40 AM
They did come back but I doubt it was Starbucks. Wasn't particularly hit and it's never happened there before. At least I hope it's not their fault.
Posted by: kapgar | Tuesday, 08 November 2011 at 01:09 PM
My body is taken over by aliens and that's all they do to me? I'm not sure if I'm lucky or not.
Posted by: kapgar | Tuesday, 08 November 2011 at 01:11 PM
Smart ass. Genius, but still a smart ass.
Posted by: kapgar | Tuesday, 08 November 2011 at 01:13 PM