I'm torn...

Have you ever taken part in a home renovation project? They can be frustrating and problematic and just plain tough for some people.

Not for Katie. Not one bit.

She came home from a full day of work last night, she jumped into the bathroom and grabbed the pry bar and a mallot and began tearing out floor trim. Then, she grabbed a scraper and hammer and started ripping out the linoleum. After that, she was all about scraping up the glue from the cement floor.

And all this before even changing out of her work clothes. 

She calls it cathartic.

Me? I was definitely impressed. No question about it. Particularly when she grabbed an end of the linoleum and stood up and ripped it upward. She basically tore out 3/4 of the linoleum in one fell swoop. 

She's like a home improvement superhero.


I wonder how long it will take for Wonder Katie and her sidekick Superdork to lay the new tiles and get the new toilet in place so we can return to a normal bathroom instead of this...

Bathroom Destruction

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There's a fire in the hole...

Nov 11
First of all, a happy Veteran's Day to all of you who have served, currently serve, or know or love someone who has served or died on the line of duty for our country. We wouldn't be who we are...
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You're staring at the sun, you're standing in the sea...

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It only took me nearly a month, but I finally got off my lazy butt and uploaded the photos taken during our San Francisco trip on my D-SLR. Yeah, I know it's bad to be such a slacker considering I'm...


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Sybil Law

Get it done by Sunday! Come on!!


Well we don't have today to work on it. But we plan to have tiling done tomorrow and give it a couple days to dry and set before putting the toilet in. 

Suzanne Apgar



Yeah she will. 

Marty Mankins

Bathroom renovations are the worst. But Katie is a superhero, hands down.


That goes without saying. I've known it for years. Well, both parts of what you said, that is. ;-)

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