It's time to get things started...

Few movies have gotten me more excited in recent years than the promise of The Muppets.

I grew up loving the Muppets. The primetime show, the characters, the everything. It was pure genius.

However, the excitement waned a bit with some of the more recent films. Muppet Treasure Island? Really?

When I heard that Jason Segel of How I Met Your Mother and Forgetting Sarah Marshall was planning to write it, I was both excited and scared. Excited because I knew he had a deep-rooted love of the characters and of puppetry in general. Scared because I knew him more for sex and drug jokes.

It's time to get things started...

But I was willing to give it a shot anyway when it came out in theaters this holiday weekend.

The verdict?

Awesomeness, period.

Segel did a great job maintaining the purity of the Muppets characters while still managing to update things a bit with a new character, Walter, and music written by one half of Flight of the Conchords (don't ask me which half).

The story was well done and I really dug on Chris Cooper as the oil baron antagonist, Mr. Richman. There were a ton of great celebrity cameos, although I never did see Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters. And a vast majority of the original Muppets were hanging around as well.

I guess the real litmus test of cinematic success for me is asking if I would pay to see it again. The answer is a resounding yes. Walk, don't run, to your nearest theater and watch this film. Go. Now.

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Well, with your endorsement, I guess I'll just have to go see it now. :)

Sybil Law

Got some plans to see it next Friday! Can't wait!


I'm totally the authority in such matters! ;-)


Tell me where Grohl shows up. 

Suzanne Apgar

You know me...I LOVE the Muppets and always have. Jim Henson was such a creative genius. It was wonderful to see his vision carried on after his untimely death. Can't wait to see the latest.


Go. Now. 

Kevin Spencer

I'm quite looking forward to taking our little one to go see this. I was a big Muppets fan as a kid.


Anybody who didn't is not human. 

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