There's a fire in the hole...

First of all, a happy Veteran's Day to all of you who have served, currently serve, or know or love someone who has served or died on the line of duty for our country. We wouldn't be who we are without your sacrifice.

And how am I celebrating your sacrifices? My honey-do list, that's how. And it ain't pretty.

If you're easily disgusted, you might not want to click through to the full post. If you're daring, or if you're viewing in a feed reader that doesn't separate between teaser and full post, my apologies.

This is where the toilet used to be in our downstairs bathroom. It is currently just a hole in the floor with some of the most disgusting gunk surrounding it that I've ever seen (save for port-o-lets).

I can only pray that it is some sort of rotted adhesive or a disintegrating wax ring or buildup of pipe goop and not something else more nefarious.

I do not vomit easily and yet I felt a heave or two come on as I lifted the toilet out of place and discovered, well, *this*.

There's a fire in the hole...

I may just burn my clothes and go sit in a Clorox bath.

My wife better love me for this one.

In case you're wondering, we're changing the flooring and toilet. Little fall project.

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Bob "Pappy" Richardson

Wow. If that is all you found, you have it easy. I have pulled up toilets and found stuff underneath that would make a coroner lose their lunch.


It gets worse? 


You need a little brush to shift that. I suggest your toothbrush.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Thanks for that. 

Sybil Law




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