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I hear my name (Steven)...

Nov 23
I've been reading a ton of online stories about Steve Jobs ever since his death a couple months ago. And, despite his bristly attitude and eccentricity and his many well-documented flaws, I still like the guy. The sheer amount of...
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What would I give if I could pee...

Nov 25
I forgot to mention something the other day... we finished the bathroom!! In all, we ripped out linoleum, laid tile, grouted, touched up the paint, installed new trim, installed a new toilet, and put in an oak transition. It looks...


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Marty Mankins

Happy Thanksgiving to you and Katie (and Norman, too)


Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sybil Law

Happy Thanksgiving!! xoxo


To all of you as well. 


To both you and The Hubby as well (so funny to call him that). 


Right back atcha. XOXO

Kevin Spencer

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving mate!


I did. Although clearly not as momentous as yours. ;-)

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