What would I give if I could pee...

I forgot to mention something the other day... we finished the bathroom!!

In all, we ripped out linoleum, laid tile, grouted, touched up the paint, installed new trim, installed a new toilet, and put in an oak transition. It looks tres chic!

Here are some pics of the finished product.

What would I give if I could pee...

What would I give if I could pee...

What would I give if I could pee...

If you need a bathroom, if no one else can help, and if you can pay us, maybe you can hire... The A-Team!!

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Turkey for me, turkey for you...

Nov 24
To you and yours, have a happy Thanksgiving. Please enjoy it safely.
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It's time to get things started...

Nov 26
Few movies have gotten me more excited in recent years than the promise of The Muppets. I grew up loving the Muppets. The primetime show, the characters, the everything. It was pure genius. However, the excitement waned a bit with...


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Suzanne Apgar

You guys did a wonderful job on the bathroom!! You should also post some "before" pix, so people can see the improvement.


Therein lies the problem... I never took any. Whoops. 

Sybil Law

It looks great!!
I already chastised you for the no before pictures, so I'll be quiet now. :)
Great job, A Team!

Marty Mankins

Sweet job on the bathroom remodel. We put our remodel off in exchange for new windows.


I still have to look around for shots we may have taken years ago. But thanks for the kudos. 


Meh. Who needs windows?

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