Whereon he thought of himself in balance...

I had grand plans for a blog post for tonight, but other things got in the way. Things like the dreaded balancing of our checkbook.

And, considering all the weird stuff going on in our bank account this past month -- such as applied credits, disputed charge paybacks, my first online bill payment, miscashed checks, and God only knows what else -- I'm just so happy that it all balanced out perfectly on the first try that I think I'm going to have a drink.

Or two.

And go to bed.

Gute nacht, peeps!

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Woohoooo! Balanced checkbooks!


Amen, sistah!

Bob "Pappy" Richardson

I am fully entrenched in the world of online banking and bill pay. The only things I write checks for anymore is Cub Scout popcorn. I even transfer money to other people online now. Kind of scary but, once you get used to it, life is sooooo much easier.


I need to do more.

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