Show me your dragon magic...

Oh man, not a good way to start 2012 by missing out on my first opportunity at a Snippet Wednesday last week. Gah! Must rectify.

While doing some research into new music that I might be interested in checking out to fulfill my one-new-band-per-month New Year's resolution, I came across some interesting news. New albums are being released in the coming weeks and months from both Van Halen and KISS. I knew Van Halen was reforming -- again -- but the idea that they're putting out a new album is kinda weird considering they've really only ever recorded and released three new tracks in the last 15 years. KISS has only released two studio albums since the 1991 release of Revenge. I had no idea any of them knew how to be productive. I will definitely be listening.

I love my iPad. Just when you think you cannot possibly find something cooler than a piece of technology you already find indispensible, you come across something else. This time around it's my iPad. And I'm truly loving all the reading apps that are available. Katie is taking full advantage of her People magazine subscription to read the digital versions (which are brilliantly designed, BTW) and I've been digging on a comic book app called ComiXology. Combining many titles from just about all major publishers and put them all in one app with a discounted price on issues over their print versions and a cool feature called "Guided View." This feature allows you to zoom in on individual panels and proceed through the issue in a way that feels almost like you're reading a motion comic or watching the old A-ha video for "Take on Me" where you have to read or look at what they give you. It must be an artist or writer's dream come true. I love it.

Speaking of cool apps, are there any that you absolutely cannot live without that you'd recommend for me? Let me know. Seriously. I don't care what category, tell me about it.

Speaking of toys and technology, I happened to pick up a few extra codes for free copies of Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2012 from Starbuck's. If you're interested, leave a comment and I'll e-mail you a code.

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I'm the first mammal to wear pants...

Jan 9
One of my Christmas gifts was a copy of the two-disc, 20th anniversary edition of Nirvana's Nevermind. While not my favorite Nirvana album (that honor goes to Bleach), I still feel Nevermind is pretty damn close to perfect and I...
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Right here, right now...

Jan 12
I'm attempting to decide what's worse... having a winter with consistently cold weather throughout that makes you hate winter, Mother Nature, life... or having a weird, moderate-temperature winter followed very suddenly by some wicked snow. The typical winter in Chicagoland...


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Suzanne Apgar

Are you using Photo+ for your I-Phone?

Suzanne Apgar

Hey, send me the code so I can get the book on travel.


Camera+ and yes. Almost exclusively. 


You don't have an iDevice, though. It's for iBooks. Digital copy. Sorry. Should have made that clearer. 

Sybil Law


Stun Nutz

Hey Kevin — Speaking of Van Halen, have you check out the new song yet?

I just did.

And boy, am I disappointed...

pink piddy paws

Obviously I'm addicted to my Kindle app. I also love imo for instant messaging. If I leave my iPad laying around in Lake Charles, Dad will grab it and start playing Bubble Shooter or Bejeweled 2.

I just saw the ComiXology app and love it. I have the Marvel app but it's obviously limited and NOT discounted. :(

I'm so glad you guys are loving your new toys... errrr...I mean technology assistants. ha.ha..


I read that as "cosmetology." Very different meaning.

I'd say my favorite is Instagram but you're already on that! I wonder if it's available for the iPad?

Kevin Spencer

While I'm not really a KISS fan, I am interested in the new Van Halen album. Those live Cafe Wha? videos that Marty posted the other day were a bit of a teaser as you couldn't really hear Dave's vocals at all. Would like to hear how his voice has held up over the years.


"Slacker"??? I represent that remark!!


I have not heard it yet and now you have me scared. Is it as bad as that Breakfast song they released in the late 90s?


Oohhhhh, "technology assistants." I like that! 


It is not available for iPad. You can run the iPhone version but it shows up small. 

Stun Nutz

Hmmm... not sure... don't think I have ever heard that one!


I saw the post and commented about going to the concert but haven't watched the videos. I should. Does save display any of his signature acrobatics? 


It was from a hits album. They reformed with Sammy and recorded three new tracks but that was it. If you haven't heard it, count yourself lucky. 

pink piddy paws

Yes well... since my boss just got one and I'm the ONLY one in the office to own an iPad, I get to be the "expert on his technology assistant". It's SO much fun when he wants his iPad to act like his PC and he just doesn't understand WHY I can't make it do all the stuff he wants. "Why can't I just hook it up to my printer at home like my other computer?" ...sigh...

My favorite has been trying to explain the necessity of "APPS". When he says "So I just have to load down this thingie and it will work?" I want to scream. Yes, he really does say "load down".

Lisa comment didn't post.

I love Flipboard for iPad. You can get it for both iPhone & iPad, but it really shines on the larger iPad. It's an aggregator I guess. You can view Twitter, FB, Google Reader and many more things on it. I love it.




I may have to look into that. Thanks!

Marty Mankins

Apps for the iPad that I can't live without: GoodReader (for all sorts of document reading reasons), Skype, Echofon, Reeder... there's a few more, but those are off the top of my head because I use them the most.

Marty Mankins

I know those 3 songs. They were from the "Best of Both Worlds" collection from 2004. Except for Sammy's vocals, they were total crap. EVH's guitar work in "It's About Time" was so sloppy. Lyrically they sucked ass, too. According to my iTunes last played date, it's showing 2/25/2005.

As for the new song, it's ok. It needs a lot more to grow on me. I much rather like "She's A Woman" which was played live at the NYC club gig on 1/5/2012.


I still don't Skype. Never have. Tried any of the iLife suite apps?


Lyrically was the same reason I hated them too. I will admit to being a bit scared of the new album though will listen. 

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