Oh when the Saints go marching in...

Zip yo' lips! Slouch your butts to the seat and listen hard! It's Snippet Wednesday.

I haven't been paying much attention to how Mother Nature has been treating the rest of the U.S. so I must ask all of you if your weather the last couple weeks has been as strange as it has been for us. It's mid-March and we're in the high 70s and 80s! This is unreal. The thermometer in my car today said it was 86 degrees out (that's 30 deg Celsius for you Metric-ites... Metricians?).

The question that concerns Katie and I most right now is how this is going to affect the summer. Will it be even hotter and more humid than normal? Will we have some mid-summer blizzard? Or will nothing happen at all? I'm not sure if I want to find out.

I'm not entirely sure why I started thinking about this the other day, but I suddenly started wondering about oddball classes in school. And I was curious as to the strangest classes you had ever heard of or, preferably, taken. This site has a few weird examples ("Cyberfeminism"? Really? Although "Maple Syrup" sounds yummy!), but I'm sure there are kooky ones even they don't know about. Wasn't there a teacher at, say, UIC or University of Chicago that got suspended for bringing a dominatrix to a lecture hall. That sort of stuff!

Sadly, when I was in school, the weirdest I ever took was a class all about the films of Martin Scorsese. Not too terribly strange save for that it was part of an English department as opposed to a film school. But when I signed up, I half expected the instructor to be some wannabe mafioso complete with Italian accent and pinstripe suit. Imagine my disappointment...

I've gone on and on about the Comixology app in a previous post or two, but I just wanted to point out an odd little side effect of my newfound love of reading digital versions of comic books... I feel guilty about "abandoning" my favorite bricks-and-mortar comic shop. I really do! I like the place a lot and, even though they can be comic snobs from time to time, I tend to get along with them pretty well. Now I want to go in and just do some window shopping but can't bring myself to do it without creating major pangs of guilt. Strange, no?

I'd say that I felt the same way about book stores since moving to ePubs or music stores since becoming an MP3 junkie, but you're hard pressed to find either of those in bricks and mortar form anymore.

Are you looking for a temporary coaching or general manager gig in the NFL? I hear there's a certain team that suddenly has some openings. Hmmmm... 

I don't know if you're a Saints fan or not, but do you think the penalties they've been dealt (including the forfeiting of second round draft picks in 2012 and 2013 and a $500,000 fine) are too harsh, not harsh enough, or just right?

Well, I'm outta here.

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I'm gonna do it on purpose...

Mar 20
One of my favorite things to do when watching movies is to notice mistakes. This is likely also one thing that people hate about watching movies with. I can't help it, though. I was raised to be a perfectionist and...
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As the storm blows on...

Mar 23
You've all been driving during rain storms and seen as a storm cuts off just as suddenly as it can start, right? Something similar to that happened to us early this morning. We had our windows open last night since...


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Marty Mankins

We are having a typical March spring, with some snow on the first official day yesterday, but then it melted right away and we are headed for 70 degrees this weekend. Bring on summer!


Bring on Scooter Sundays!!


We've been hitting mid 70s this week, tomorrow is forecast to be 79. Completely crazy. Usually we still have snow for another month, sometimes longer. Even though it's supposed to cool off on Friday and into next week, it's still way above average. Doing my best to soak it in while it's nice: trees aren't spitting pollen, not humid, bugs only starting to come out.

Actually it'd be nice if we had a proper cold snap to kill off the bugs, but doesn't look like we'll get it.


Oohhhh, yes, kill the bugs!!

pink piddy paws

80's here in Little Rock and it terrifies me! We already mowed the yard. That's insane! I worry that this summer is going to be unbearable.

As for the Saints...I think Goodell was making an example of them. And boy howdy did he bring down the right hand of justice. A full year suspension for Payton? That's pretty darn harsh. I have to wonder...was it b/c of the $1500? I mean, if they had the same program but didn't pay for it, would it have been as punished? Because you know other teams do the same thing!


Yeah but offering money always makes it seem worse than a coach saying "get out there and bloody their jugulars!!!" (my hugh school coach actually did say that often, but never with money attached). The money makes it a "hit," so to speak. 

hello haha narf

80's for a week here in pittsburgh. i can't handle it. and when the damn bugs hit you are going to have one cranky becky.


The bugs are already getting us. Low grade, but still...


I felt like I was the only one wondering that about the summer. Phew ;)


I hear people talking about it daily. No need to feel bad. 

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