15 posts from March 2013

Ease of use...

Yesterday, I received an email from a musician of whom both Katie and I are fans. We've seen her play live three times and have loved it each time.

Naturally, since I rarely get to go to concerts with Katie (she doesn't go to Pitchfork due to a severe fear of festivals, crowds, and smelly hippies), I was intrigued enough to investigate ticket options for this artist's upcoming tour.

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Twitter above all...

There are a lot of social media services out there. Facebook, Twitter, Google +, MySpace (I think), and oh so many others I don't bother to familiarize myself with for a variety of reasons.

Oh those, I know more people on Facebook than any other. So when I tell people that I hate Facebook and prefer Twitter, I am always inundated with "why?"

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Happy accidents...

My favorite photos are the ones I like to call "happy accidents." Those of you who take photos, whether at an amateur or pro level or anywhere in between, likely know what I mean when I say this... it's a photo that you don't plan but just happens and, when it does, you realize there's no way you could have hoped for it to come out better.

This has happened a few times in my photographic career of late.

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