I saw a post over on Kimbot's blog this morning about taking pride in your job and your work and if you've ever felt that way.
Last week I had something happen at work and the role I played in the response was something I took extreme pride in. It was the best I'd ever felt about my job and my role in it. I felt like a major player in a big event.
I'm talking like puffed-chest pride here. An initiative I had championed and implemented paid off HUGE and everybody saw it. Well, not that it's going to pay off huge in terms of a raise or anything like that, but it just showed that me throwing my copious weight behind it was a damn good bet.
The bad thing is that I'm not much for talking about work in specifics here on my blog. I did at my old job pre-2006 and, looking back on that now, I realize it was a mistake. Work is work and personal life is personal life. So I've tried to keep things separate.
Normally this isn't an issue. I don't really have much I want to say about work other than non-work stuff I may be talking about with a co-worker or a link a co-worker sent to me. That stuff is totally shareable. But details about my job are just not something I discuss.
Until, of course, something like what happened last week happens. Then I want to share it with the world because I'm really proud! But I cannot because I've set this precedent and my employer has all kinds of rules regarding discussion of work and the like.
So, since Friday of last week, I've been debating how best to share this with all of you while maintaining my employer's desire for professional privacy. I guess that's the life choice we secret agents have to live with. Sad.
I digress.
I finally came up with a way to share this information with all of you. I'm going to present it as a Mad Lib. Remember those? You get a mostly completed story in which you have to use your creativity to come up with words to fill in some strategic blanks.
Here are the words you need to come up with ahead of time, then you can go ahead and plug them into the story below. Have fun! I know I will have fun reading them.
- Noun (Person)
- Noun (Place)
- Noun (Work Item)
- Noun (Whatever you want)
- Noun (Article of clothing)
- Repeat #3
- Noun (Whatever you want)
- Brief exclamation/swearing/declaration of war (be creative)
- Repeat #3
- Website name or URL
- Present-tense (read: "-ing") verb
- Repeat #12
- Noun (emotion or state of being)
- Repeat #3
- Repeat #12
This past Thursday morning, I received a call from 1 . I was told to immediately report to 2 and bring 3 .
I sprang from my 4 and threw on a 5 . As I raced to 6 , I looked up and saw 7 .
" 8 ," I shouted. "I cannot believe this is happening!"
I arrived at 9 and ran to fire up my computer. I immediately logged into 10 and began 11 .
I sat at my computer for hours doing 12 non-stop. While it was extremely exhausting, I felt nothing but 13 after all was said and done.
Do I ever want to do this again? Yes! And with all the practice I got at 14 doing 15 , I should be all primed and ready if it ever does happen again!
Did this little Mad Lib get my point across? Do you now understand why I am so proud? God I hope so.
If I messed up my parts of speech in the list above and used "adjective" when it should have been "adverb" or the like, blame my grade-school English teachers. I never got that firm a grasp on these concepts. Nothing lasting, anyway.
Ha ha! What a creative way to tell the story! I think even when you don't share the details, you can still talk about your feelings at work, especially pride! I don't mention where I work anywhere online, or really, what I do. Most people don't get it, anyway.
Congrats on feeling so proud :)
Posted by: kilax | Thursday, 25 April 2013 at 04:02 PM
Thanks! Man, after all the work I put into that post, I was hoping someone would reply. :-)
Posted by: kapgar | Thursday, 25 April 2013 at 05:32 PM