30 Days Of...

For some strange reason, and despite any indication to the opposite that you all might see via my Facebook page or my Instagram profile, I feel like I haven't taken enough photos of Nathan.

Now, granted a lot of this might be due to the fact that he has grown like a beanstalk practically overnight and, as I thumb through photos on my iPhone and iPad, it seems to me like there must be some steps missing in the progression because there is no way in the name of all that's holy that a kid can grow that fast. That's probably why I feel like I've been photographically neglectful, even though you all probably think I'm talking crazy.

To solve this problem, I'm going to spend the month of June doing what I'm going to call "30 Days of Nate." You guessed it, (at least) a picture a day of Nathan.

I've been tossing around this idea for a few months now and just keep forgetting to start it. But now, here it is, all official like and posted to my blog to keep me in check and hold my nose to the grindstone.

But, just to keep this from becoming all about Nathan (ha!), I'm going to throw out a PHOTO CHALLENGE to any of you who might be interested. Let's rename it to "30 Days of..." You pick the subject and take one photograph a day for the entire month of June. Let me know in the comments to this post if you're interested in participating and what your planned subject will be.

When you post your photo, use the hashtag #30daysof. Since almost anything works with hashtags anymore, it should be fine. If you have a blog and would like to share this challenge with others, please link them back to this post. I will also create a group in Flickr where you all can join and share your photos if you're a Flickr user. Otherwise, just share in the comments where you plan to post them so we can all check out your skillz.

Any interest? C'mon, I don't want to be the only one!


Previous Post

Snippet Wednesday 2013.19...

May 15
Welcome to an exhausted Snippet Wednesday. Why "exhausted"? I just ran on my lunch break. Although it wasn't as long a run as I would've liked, it still kicked my butt and I'm still in recovery mode. Cemetery In my...
Next Post

Nathan: 8 months...

May 19
Today, Nathan turned eight months old. He's eight months old! And I just realized that I never posted his seven month photos to the blog. I'm a bad dad. Here's a link to them posted to Flickr. Here are his...


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OK, sounds interesting. Might be just the right level of vaguely specific to keep me interested without becoming overwhelmed. I suppose I could revive my anemic blog for this. Now to come up with a topic...


You insensitive boob. They prefer to be called "post deficient." How dare you?!?!


Tempting ... I might be able to pull it off if I don't try to *blog* blog, and just focus (haha) on the image-posting ...


Do or do not, there is no, er, tempt.

Kevin Spencer

Holy poo, I get behind on feed reading and totally miss this annoucement. You know I'm always up for a photo challenge so now I'll have to go away and think of a topic. Hmm...


I was hoping you would be in!

Marty Mankins

Catching up here. I really should do this. I kind of did last year, when you had the theme contests each week.

This means I need to think of something here in the 3 days. Count me in. Mine will be called "30 Days of Scooter" (or ScUtah for those that know the name). It should kick me into gear (pun intended) on riding my scooter more often (the weather should be much better in June, too)

Flickr will be my place to post.


30 Days of ScUtah for the win!!


Ok - I'll do it




Hmmm....what could I do for 30 days straight? How about just 30 days of photos? Oh! Or 30 days of DSLR to get me out of the habit of defaulting to the iPhone.


Those should provide you with some exceptional freedom. ;-)

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