by kapgar
It was a very good month, when I was just 38, that August went by really great.
Okay, enough of that. There will be no singing on this blog! Take it elsewhere. This post is all about recapping the progress I made on my 2013 Goals through the month of August. And I'd say I made pretty decent progress, indeed. Check...
Continue reading "2013 Goals: August Recap..." »
by kapgar
For the second month running, I'm more than a week late posting my monthly growth photos of Nathan. Actually, more than a week late. About 10 days. Yikes.
At this rate, you might see his one-year photos on the day we send him off to kindergarten.
Continue reading "Nathan: 11 months..." »
by kapgar
This is quite the odd mix of topics for Snippet Wednesday. Not that it's not usually an odd mix, just even odder, if that's even a word.
Well, anyway.
Continue reading "Snippet Wednesday 2013.34..." »
by kapgar
I was a bit floored by an article headline I saw crop up in my Google News page today.
"Second young man disappears in southern Oregon after reading 'Into the Wild'".
Continue reading "Wilding..." »
by kapgar
Katie and I were checking out the Sunday sales ads last night when I found something that pissed me off to no end that I just had to vent.
Continue reading "Spoilers..." »
by kapgar
"He wasn't kissing me. He was trying to EAT MY EYEBALL!"
Perhaps some context is in order.
Continue reading "Scratch..." »
by kapgar
The worst part about being a parent are the scares.
Actually, the worst part about having anybody in your life that you care about are the scares. I mean, when you're by yourself, you worry about yourself. That's really about it. You find that special someone and you take it upon yourself to try to take care of them as well. Not that they can't take care of themselves effectively, but you want to do your part because you care.
Continue reading "Scare..." »
by kapgar
C'mon, folks, please file on inside. There are a lot of people here so please squeeze in. Don't worry, once inside, you'll be more comfortable. Snippet Wednesday is always much bigger on the inside.
Continue reading "Snippet Wednesday 2013.33..." »
by kapgar
Spending a little time on Twitter today, as I'm wont to do on occasion, I found this fun little Tweet stream from
@huegolden. Just some quickie questions about your life in these United States (and a little beyond).
Check them out and respond on your own blog or here in the comments. Please use the hashtag #EbbyAsks.
Continue reading "Visited..." »
by kapgar
Remember back in the early days of VHS, we used to wait around for years... literally years... for some of our favorite movies to come out on those wonderful magnetic tapes that allowed us to play them back time after time from the comfort of our own home?
Continue reading "Next season..." »
by kapgar
Enjoy another titillating Snippet Wednesday. Yes, I said "titillating" and I stand by it!
Continue reading "Snippet Wednesday 2013.32..." »
by kapgar
Yeah, I got nothing, so I'll leave you with this drawing I did today.
by kapgar
Last week, I took the afternoon off for a personal goings-on. I left at about 1 p.m. thinking I might be gone for a while. In fact, Katie had even checked with Nathan's daycare provider to be sure she was okay if I was late.
Continue reading "Lost n Found..." »
by kapgar
This weekend is Wizard World, the Midwest's premier comic con, in Chicago.
Am I there?
Continue reading "Con..." »
by kapgar
Whatever happened to common decency?
I'm not talking about big-deal issues like honest politicians and the like. I'm not asking for a miracle here. I mean the little things.
Continue reading "Kortiseee..." »
by kapgar
Welcome to an exhaustively long edition of Snippet Wednesday, brought to you by Starbucks and my desire to ingest a little caffeine after a long day.
Continue reading "Snippet Wednesday 2013.31..." »
by kapgar
One of the bigger surprises for me at the 2011 Pitchfork Music Festival was how much I enjoyed the live set from TV On the Radio.
Continue reading "Tu(n)esday: TV on the Radio..." »
by kapgar
One unexpected side effect of being a father is a tendency to get over-emotional or over-sensitive to stories or videos or movies that convey some kind of threat to children or their ability to be able to live a childhood free from threats to their safety.
Continue reading "Emotional..." »
by kapgar
Sure, there are many things going on this week. Things of great value and societal import.
Continue reading "CHOMP..." »
by kapgar
Welcome to my July recap of my 2013 goals. I gotta admit I feel better about my progress last month than at any other time this year, so far. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't as bad as it has been. So, YAY!
Let's begin, shall we?
Continue reading "2013 Goals: July Recap..." »