
Spending a little time on Twitter today, as I'm wont to do on occasion, I found this fun little Tweet stream from @huegolden. Just some quickie questions about your life in these United States (and a little beyond).

Check them out and respond on your own blog or here in the comments. Please use the hashtag #EbbyAsks.

  1. Where are you from?
  2. What is the furthest you have lived from friends and family?
  3. How close do you live to your parents or siblings?
  4. How many states have you visited? How many have you lived in?
  5. How many countries have you visited? Lived in?
  6. Where do you want to live next?
  7. Bonus: What country would you retire to if America isn't an option?

Find my responses below...

Where are you from?
I was born in Rochester, NY, and lived in Fairport, basically a suburb.

What is the furthest you have lived from friends and family?
Six hours away for one semester while attending Iowa State University in Ames, IA.

How close do you live to your parents or siblings?
About 30-40 minutes from my parents, 10 minutes from my brother and his wife and daughter, 40 minutes from one of Katie's brothers and his wife and daughter, and a hair north of an hour from Katie's parents and her other brother. All these times are traffic and construction dependent, of course.

How many states have you visited? How many have you lived in?
41 visited in total, 34 visited substantially, and 5 lived in (NY, KY, CT, IL, and IA).

Here is a graphical representation of the states I've visited substantially. By "substantially," I simply mean not ones that you just pass through on a drive or train trip or airport layover. You spend more than just a couple hours, stop and eat, maybe stay overnight. That sort of thing.

Oh, and thanks to Renagerie for bringing this mapping website to my attention.

visited 34 states (68%)

Here are all the states I've visited, including those pass throughs and airport layovers I left out of the last map.

visited 41 states (82%)

The second certainly looks a lot better, but I'm not giving those other seven states their due in terms of amount of time visited. I hope to hit up all 50. That is a Bucket List goal of mine.

How many countries have you visited? Lived in?
Nine countries visited with most being Caribbean port stops on my two cruises (Grand Cayman, Grand Turk, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, St. Thomas, and Belize). I've spent substantial time only in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. And I'll be changing Puerto Rico (sure it's a U.S. protectorate, but it's still legally a country) to a "substantial visit" come November. I've only lived in one country, the U.S.A.

Where do you want to live next?
I always wanted to live in the Pacific Northwest until Sizzle told me that they have a "Spider Season" every summer. No thanks. For the love of Jeebus, she posted a picture of a spider crawling on her toothbrush. Yick. How about somewhere on the East Coast, then? North Carolina, perhaps? Katie and I also love the Washington, D.C., area.

Bonus: What country would you retire to if America isn't an option?
Although I've never visited any of them, I would love to spend the remainder of my life upon retirement in Italy, Germany, or Ireland.


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I thought of you last night. Was following a van with those stickers depicting the family, only these were 'Star Wars' stickers.


I am so jealous you live so close to your family! It's so great to have them nearby.


You're welcome! In return, you may start writing content for my blog. :-D

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks

Pay close attention to the politics in North Carolina ... it'll send you running for the hills as far away from that state as possible. Sadly.


Which ones did they choose?


It certainly can be. 


Damn! I knew I shouldn't have sold my blog soul so cheaply!


You mean it gets worse than Illinois politics??

Marty Mankins

So you want to live in the Northwest (minus the spider season)? My wife's sister lives in Vancouver, WA and they love it up there. Although they are in their late 50's and early 60's, so I would guess the rain doesn't bother them as much.

I will post a blog post here shortly with my answers.


I don't think the rain would bother me. 

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