
Nothing like getting up, getting dressed, walking a mile to the course, running an organized 5K, and walking a mile home to not only get the blood flowing but to get you over 12,500 steps before 11:15 a.m.

Being my first 5K since 2010 and only my third time running since October and all the ice and hard-pack snow on the course, I'm pretty okay with my 45:20 time. I can only get better, right?

At least I got a really warm lunch afterward.

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2014 Goals: January Recap...

Feb 1
Where the heck did January go? Did anyone see it? I must've missed it completely. Ah well. Adios, Enero! Let's recap the month in terms of my 2014 Goals, okay? 1. The Reading Goal: Read George R.R. Martin's Song of...
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Macro Monday 2014.05...

Feb 3
Last week's Macro Monday challenge entry didn't garner as many guesses and I suppose that's because it was too easy and everyone saw their guess in the comments. Here's the photo in question... Here's what it is... An upside down...


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Suzanne Kurtz Apgar

We're proud that you tackled this Kevin. Had you called us we would have joined you.


I wanted this to be all me. I even had Katie and Nathan stay home. But thanks, though. 


Congrats on your race! And how fun they had medals!


Thanks! And I'm pretty sure this is the first time they had medals in the four times they've run it. Considering it's only $34 early registration fee and you get the medal *and* a hoodie and it's only a mile from my house, it's a bargain. 

Kevin Spencer

Congrats mate. That mac & cheese with an IPA looks lovely.


It most certainly was. And thanks!

Marty Mankins

Awesome job! That's a brave soul right there, people.


And cold. 

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