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Apr 4
Desolation, Desperation, Angst. Intermingling, twisting, wrapping together like crooked conniving fingers engulfing my soul. Crushing, Strangling, Suffocating. I suppose if it gets any worse I can always eat him.
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Macro Monday 2014.13...

Apr 7
First off, congrats to the University of Connecticut Huskies on winning the NCAA men's basketball championship. Sure, I would've preferred it be my Kentucky Wildcats but it was not meant to be. I can handle UConn as champs. At least...


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Suzanne Kurtz Apgar

Are they the champs or just in the final playoff?


Just the championship game right now, which is played tonight. 


Sorry, but I gotta go with U-Conn since they beat the 'Clones.


Understandable. But you're wrong!! :-)

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