Macro Monday 2014.26...
It would seem my character macros are way too easy. But they're also way too fun. Maybe that's why I'm still doing them. Hey, it is my Macro Monday!
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It would seem my character macros are way too easy. But they're also way too fun. Maybe that's why I'm still doing them. Hey, it is my Macro Monday!
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Why can't the world be more specific?
I get a low-tire-pressure indicator light in my car this morning but nothing saying which of the four it is. And they all look fine upon visual inspection.
I'm sorting photos in Dropbox and I get a file name conflict error. Which of the thousands of pix is it?
I mean, c'mon! Help me out here.
...or not.
You know it's bad when you type up five Snippets, reread them, and immediately delete the whole post because it's just. that. bad.
But I am going to see Godzilla tonight so that makes me feel somewhat better.
Honestly, I thought we were nothing more than leverage. A bargaining chip used to negotiate a better offer from the City of San Francisco.
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Yanno something? I really liked using a character as the focus of the last Macro Monday. I think I'll do it again.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2014.25..." »
Although I've been working my butt off to maintain a 10,000 steps per month average since the beginning of the year, one thing I haven't tried in order to help is to jog. I've only done a few running spurts here and there and then my 5K in February.
Continue reading "Runaround..." »
I just got an email from DirecTV that they are offering a free preview of HBO and Cinemax today through June 23.
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I clearly don't truly understand the concept of Bitcoins as a news article I recently read left me scratching my head.
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Do you Audible?
Sorry, I hate when brands become a common-use word (for example, telling someone to "Google" something instead of "search the web" or something similar) so I really shouldn't be adding fuel to the fire, but I just couldn't help myself.
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Wow! Everyone got last week's Macro Monday challenge. E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. Everyone on the blog. Everyone on Facebook. Everyone on Flickr. Everyone on Twitter. Everyone on Instagram. Talk about a gimme.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2014.24..." »
To my dad, my father-in-law, and my grandfather, thank you! Happy Father's Day! We appreciate you more than you'll ever know.
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Welcome to a bricky good edition of Snippet Wednesday! As in LEGO bricky good!
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No, I'm not reviewing a soundtrack from the TV show Justified today. Does that show even have soundtrack albums? Hmmm.
Continue reading "Tu(n)esday: Justified..." »
Admittedly, last week's Macro Monday challenge photo was pretty specific. But the cool thing was that the people I expected to guess it correctly did not fail me at all.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2014.23..." »
I know it's a few days late. For that I apologize. But, all the same, here is my May recap of progress toward my 2014 Goals! Kind of a weird month because of a week and a half vacation that we started on in the final half of the month. But I’m here and still progressing.
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Technically this could be a Macro Monday/Tuesday as I took the photos and wrote the post on Monday and didn't realize that I didn't post it until today (and summarily backdated it). Oy.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2014.22..." »
The L.A. Kings have ousted my Chicago Blackhawks from the 2014 NHL playoffs. I officially don't care about the Stanley Cup Finals.
So, um, go Rangers?
I guess.