
Holy crap! I not only completed my short story, but had it edited by Marty, got it a kiss good luck from Katie, and sent it on its merry way to RW at Thrice Fiction.

In the immortal words of Clark W. Griswold, "Thisiscrazythisiscrazythisiscrazy!"

No, I don't have any personal delusion that it will actually be accepted for publication. Hope? Sure. Expectation? Nah.

But it would certainly be cool.

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Today, I got really frustrated with Facebook. I was pissed that they would keep pushing Message notifications thru on the app when I can't use said app to view them. As you may or may not know, Facebook branched off...
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Suzanne Kurtz Apgar

Congratulations from me and your dad! Just that you submitted it, is an accomplishment. You are extremely talented, Kevin. Maybe this will give you the confidence to pursue that talent!!

Suzanne Kurtz Apgar

Hey, can you bring a copy with you? We'd love to read it.


Let's see how things go. I don't have it printed out. 



Marty Mankins

Hey, I liked it - small edits and all. It had a nice flow to it.

And from myself, who's been published several times in Thrice Fiction, I think it had an excellent chance.


Thanks, man! As I said in email, I truly appreciate you taking a second to look at it. 

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