Macro Monday 2014.39...

An interesting thing happened on the way to updating to iOS 8 on my iPhone... I lost my source photo for last week's Macro Monday. It's likely backed up on our laptop at home, but I want to get this post live now and just really do not have a chance to scour iPhotos to find it.

What that means for you is that you're just going to have to take my word for it when I tell you that this...

Macro Monday 2014.38. Take a guess! tree moss (lichens, whatever). I just can't show you the really zoomed out image. Sorry about that. It's all on me with this one.

But I do have another photo for you for this week. And I promise not to offload it to a computer without first letting you all see it. So take a moment and let me know what this is.

Macro Monday 2014.39. Take a gander.


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Sep 28
Several years ago, when Katie and I announced we were going on vacation to Disney World, Marie asked if I would take a picture of Stormin' Norman taking out Goofy. I found out quickly that she hates Goofy. I never...
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Sep 30
I'm not sure if I hated myself, just needed to get a good crying jag out, or it was all sheer coincidence, but I hit emotional media overload this past weekend. On Friday, I finished Judd Winick's Pedro and Me:...


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Marty Mankins

The end of a chocolate bar.


Interesting guess. 

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