28 posts from February 2015

Story Sunday 2015.06...

[Author's notes: This story is not a reflection of my feelings having seen Disney on Ice: Frozen. We had a good time even if Nathan was a little antsy. it was a well-done show. Thanks for the tickets, bro. Also, I'm sorry the photo is so blurry. I'm still not comfortable taking shots of people who have zero expectation of having their photo taken. I'll get better. ]

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2015 Goals: January Recap...

I really got a little tired of all the formatting work that would go into setting up these recaps the last few years. Because I tend to post using a mobile browser, I hand code all posts in Notepad so they're all pre-formatted and ready to go. It seems many mobile posting apps or websites tend to negate RTF formatting functionality, so it's really good that I know HTML. But it's time to simplify this post as well and make it more truly "readable."

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