
I've been paying bills online for a few years now. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes not so.

But what kills me is when something changes too much with regard to the online payment process. I like familiarity when it comes to how it all works. I loathe change. Especially when it's to my detriment.

Take, for example, a change I discovered today with Nicor Gas. I've always liked how their site worked. Clean and easy and reliable. And free. Actually, there's not a single bill I pay online that isn't free.

image from

Today, however, I discovered Nicor has farmed out their payment processing to Western Union.

image from

It wouldn't be a big deal except Western Union wants to tack on a $2.95 "convenience fee." Yes, that's actually what they dared to call it.

To Nicor and Western Union, you can take that convenience fee and shove it up your ass sideways. You are not getting any extra money from me. You can accept payment direct from my bank from now on.

This BS is, well, BS.

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Feb 26
As of today, that Hyundai Sonata we bought what seemed like only a few months ago is now ours! I can't believe five years have passed since we got it. Dang. Where's my pink slip??
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Feb 28
And just as Morgan Freeman said, "Spotligh..." our DVR'd recording of the 2016 Oscars cut out. Didn't even get out the final T. We even added a half hour to the expected time and it still wasn't enough. Geez Louise.


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What in the actual f***?!


Isn't that a load of crap?


Yep. It pissed me off too. I wrote them email about it and they didnt even respond. How do you make a payment from your bank? Do you think i could set up Chase pay to pay this stupid bill?


Absolutely. I'm going to have my bank do it from here on out. And being such a big company as Nicor, the details necessary to set up payment should already be on file with your bank. You may only need your Nicor account number.

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