
I’m tired. It’s late. I’m watching Parks & Rec on Netflix while Katie is sleeping. I’m recovering from a day of decorating for the holidays and reorganizing our attic. Somehow I managed to hit my step goal despite being at home all day. 

I’m going to sleep. 

Forgive me?

By way of apology, here is Nathan channeling his inner Barry Allen in one of my old Underoos shirts that I found in the attic. 


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Nov 25
Hey, if any of you are players of the iOS/Android app Star Wars Card Trader by Topps and you have the following card available for trade, please take a look at my deck and 1:1 me in-app. Thanks. Oh and...
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Macro Monday 2017.48...

Nov 27
As nobody correctly guessed last week’s challenge photo... ... I’m giving you all a much easier one this week. Check back for the answer in one week!


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