
I started reading my next review book for GeeksOfDoom on Friday night... it’s Dracul by Dacre Stoker and J.D. Barker.


The review is due to be published on October 2 and it’s 500 pages. By my math, I need to read 50 pages per night to finish with enough time to write my review and submit it for publication. 

I read 36 pages on Friday night, 25 more on Saturday, and now I’m up to page 102 as I’m dipping in and out of consciousness at 11:45. Not quite the 150 I need to be.

Oh, I’ve got some serious catching up to do. 

It is really good, though. 

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Video: MSI...

Sep 22
Today, we all went to the Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago. While normally we do our museum trip on his actual birthday, because Nathan is in school now, we thought it better to wait until the weekend. We...
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Macro Monday 2018.39...

Sep 24
I guess this one was tougher than expected. I really expected at least one person to just throw out, “mouse laser!” Alas... Lemme know what pops in that old brain of yours for this week’s challenge photo. Check back in...


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Kevin Spencer

Sounds intriguing. Maybe I'll get this and see if it helps me out of my reading funk.


It’ll be out October 2. Enjoy!

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