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Dec 4
We got the news at 1:30 this morning. Well, actually, we were asleep when the email came in and the social media posts went live... Nathan’s school district was officially on strike. It was the same old/same old. Pay, benefits,...
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TBT: Shiny...

Dec 6
This past weekend, we took Nathan to the Polar Express as we have the previous three years. But going to this event made me reminisce about past Christmases and how Nathan has aged in that time. Check these out... 2012...


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Marty Mankins

I've wished you a happy birthday in other online places. Making it blog comment official here. Happy 44th, Kevin.


Nooooooo!!! That means I’m officially 44!!!!

Meh. Whatevs.


Kevin Spencer

Bugger. Only five days late. Many belated happy returns old man.


No worries, dude. Thanks.

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