Taped 13...

Remember last month’s post about my heartbeat cassette? Well, I found another pretty unique cassette recently. 

It’s not one that I’ve owned for a while. I actually found it at a local church resale shop and nabbed it simply because it’s unique content and the tape is ridiculously cool!


Canadian brass solos? You can’t get this anywhere but on an old tape.

A reel-to-reel cassette? I never knew such a thing existed until I saw it on the Cassette Culture subreddit a couple months ago. 

I love this! And it was US$0.50. Can’t beat it. 

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Macro Monday 2019.27...

Jul 8
Man, my buddy Stephen now has his own little streak going after guessing last week’s #MiniMusicMonday challenge photo correctly. If he gets this one right, he’ll hold the streak record. I mean, it would only be three but still! Let’s...
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Jul 10
Reports have been circulating through local social and news media that the lagoon in Humboldt Park in the northwest side of Chicago may have an interloper of sorts. Several people spotted a four or five foot long thing floating in...


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