I shoulda been working on cleaning the garage.
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I shoulda been working on cleaning the garage.
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I’m sorry, but if you’re running a restaurant, particularly a Mexican one, and don’t stock enough meat to justify staying open or don’t have hours past 3 p.m. on a Friday, then just shut your doors forever, m’kay?
Both these things happened the last two times we tried to go to Taco Urbano in Batavia, IL. Yes, I went in there and the kid at the counter said they were out of ground beef, steak, pork, and chicken all at the same time. We’re done.
I’m craving a burrito.
That is all.
Remember the days of ye olde Blogroll? That master list of fellow bloggers' sites that we maintained on our sites so we not only had a one-stop recommendation shop for things we think make for great reads, but it also served as a type of bookmark list? They were great.
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Tonight, I found Adrienne Shelley's brilliant and often criminally overlooked gem Waitress on TV, so Katie and I watched it. It's not like we haven't seen it before. It has just been a while so going back and revisiting it was nice.
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As I expected, no one got last week’s #MiniMusicMonday challenge photo. Admittedly, it was a comparatively unknown band and album. I was more curious if anyone would, so I’m not terribly disappointed.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2019.34..." »
Oh. My. God.
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We did something pretty interesting tonight as a family. We joined a bunch of Katie's coworkers and volunteered at Feed My Starving Children filling and boxing MannaPacks for starving children the world over. Actually, our target area tonight was Haiti.
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I've only ever had one Bloody Mary in my life. That was in October 2001 on one of the four flights to and from our honeymoon. I don't recall which flight. I do recall that I hated it.
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It's pretty funny that after writing that post about my Discover card design change, I realized that there is a major missed marketing opportunity right now by Discover Card and New Line Cinema.
In 1996 or 97, I was introduced to Adobe Photoshop for the first time and it was life changing. Since that time, I've had a copy of some version of Photoshop on nearly every work or personal computer I've possessed.
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If you could only pick one of the following, which would it be. No, you cannot suggest your own alternative. These are the only current options and even they could be subject to change based on availability. And, no, you will not be given any extra context.
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My buddy, Kevin Spencer, was Johnny on the Spot with the correct answer to last week’s #minimusicmonday.
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Today, a month and a day ahead of the actual date, we held Nathan’s seventh birthday party. All three of us got to creative with the theme Nathan chose and everyone had a great time.
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For years — actually more than a decade — this has been my Discover card...
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So Katie and I have been watching our way through the first three seasons of Riverdale on Netflix. Katie finally became interested after Luke Perry’s death earlier this year. This gave me a viewing partner which makes it a lot easier to actually get through it all.
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Okay, it’s not a very far Throwback — more like a bit of a Tossback — as these photos are only from last Thursday and a family trip we took to Medieval Times in Schaumburg, IL.
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The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The.
Today, three of us in the office "got the memo," as it were. We all wore red shirts. Two in t-shirts and one in a polo.
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I really was worried that no one was going to take a stab at last week’s #MiniMusicMonday. But, at the 11th hour, my buddy Eric chimed in with the correct answer.
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For years, I’ve wondered if it was truly as bad as I remembered. I mean, hindsight isn’t always 20/20. Memory can be modified by the opinions of others.
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The whole plastic vs paper straw debate of late has not really managed to draw me in. I just don’t care. I guess if environmentalists can find a more friendly way to drink drinks and save wildlife, why not?
I went it to lunch with some coworkers today. Five guys and the girlfriend of one met us there. So five guys and a girl.
How many of you have registered domains on the World Wide Web? If yes, how many registered domains do you have? Have you had others in the past and gotten rid of them? Do you use all the domains you have registered? Do you register domains for ideas you have whether you are even close to ready to actually launch any content?
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Foodstagrammer - (noun) A person who compulsively posts pictures of their food to Instagram.
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In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon, a musician I met on Reddit created a mixtape using actual cassette recordings from the mission itself.
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I'm so sad that nobody guessed last week's challenge photo on #MiniMusicMonday. I don't mean "nobody guessed correctly," nobody guessed at all. I really thought this one would be too easy.
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We were at Office Max today picking up the last item Nathan needed to complete his supply shopping for first grade (FIRST GRADE!!) and were in line to pay when I saw Wonder Woman Volume 1 Blood by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang by the register.
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It kinda blew my mind to realize that I’m approaching the one year anniversary of me being an official book reviewer for Geeks of Doom. Well, one year since my first review posted on August 8, which means that I started reading for them a couple weeks before that.
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I learned something interesting from Nathan today... The Beatles, at least according to him, are not a rock ‘n’ roll band. Nope, not rock at all.
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I’m sorry this is so late. I always like getting this out in the 1st of the month, but Macro Monday on the 1st, Walkman 40th on the 2nd, John on the 3rd, the holiday on the 4th... anyway. I even had this post mostly written a week ago. So, um, I copy/pasted old code to start this post and forgot to change the intro paragraph. Whoops.
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