by kapgar
Yeah, so as we know already, my schedule got all messed up due to a desire to watch another 2019 movie that never really materialized. Add to that I am about to announce that I’m actually adding a recap post.
Continue reading "Tu(n)esday: Decade..." »
by kapgar
THE LAST #MINIMUSICMONDAY OF 2019!!! Don’t worry, it’s coming back next year. I’m having too much fun with this. The penultimate challenge photo was guessed correctly by Marty Mankins, for the record.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2019.52..." »
by kapgar
I know today, per my schedule, is supposed to be the final day of Kevin’s 7 highlighting my top 7 films of the year. However, there are still a couple days left in the year and I may still watch a movie or two that might merit inclusion on the list.
Continue reading "Skywalker..." »
by kapgar
I started 2019 off pretty strong on the goal front. But the further I progressed through the year, the tougher it got and the less interested I became in fulfilling some of them.
Continue reading "Goals 2020..." »
by kapgar
We spent yesterday trying to clean up and de-Christmas (tm pending, Marty) and get rid of the sick.
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by kapgar
It is 59° and sunny here in far west Chicagoland. Skies are blue. People are wearing t-shirts, riding bikes, and driving with their car windows open.
Continue reading "#fakenews" »
by kapgar
So what was Nathan’s big deal Christmas gift this year? A Nintendo Switch. Yeah, we finally are letting Nathan move into the modern era of gaming.
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by kapgar
A week or so ago, I took Nathan to our one and only local record store - Kiss the Sky in Batavia, IL. He's 7 and I thought it would be cool to let him experience the joy of physical media. He loved it. But that's a story for another day.
Continue reading "Still there?..." »
by kapgar
A big congrats to Kevin Spencer who nailed it on last week’s #MiniMusicMonday!
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2019.51..." »
by kapgar
This year and this series of Kevin’s 7 posts is quickly wrapping up. And one of my toughest lists to compile is here. Music ‘19, which is comprised of both Singles ‘19 and Albums ‘19. Buckle up!
Continue reading "Kevin’s 7: Music ‘19..." »
by kapgar
While a vast majority of the skits were little more than callbacks to his great characters from 1980-81, tonight’s episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by Eddie Murphy was dead on and exactly what that show needed in an otherwise weak season.
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by kapgar
‘Tis the season for wreaths! Unless you’re a bunch of sick assholes who don’t deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us.
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by kapgar
Remember Zachary Levi? The guy who played the good-hearted and goofy, but lovable spy Chuck in the NBC series several years ago? Yeah, Katie and I watched that for the first few seasons until it became a bit too ridiculous to stomach.
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by kapgar
A few months ago, I wanted to cancel out of an Audible account I had because I had a ton of books from my work at Geeks of Doom. Why pay for books when I was getting them for free?
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by kapgar
I decided to bring back Taped for one last post this calendar year. I guess, technically, it's the last Taped post of the decade. Weird. I only realized this was the close of the decade about a week ago. I'd never considered it before that.
Continue reading "Taped 18..." »
by kapgar
Many, many people posited many, many guesses and many, many of them were correct. Actually, they were all correct. Lots of people knew this challenge photo. In all fairness, it's a pretty damn fine album.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2019.50..." »
by kapgar
Another week, another list! I have to admit that this K7 was not easy to pare down. Last year, I did an upper and lower 7. Just 7 this year. Man, it’s tough. But here’s what I’ve got for you on the television front:
Continue reading "Kevin’s 7: TV ‘19..." »
by kapgar
Nathan called me out today. In grand fashion.
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by kapgar
I had a tough week at work. Nothing bad, just busier than normal and I wasn’t feeling good about the work I did.
Continue reading "Wrapped..." »
by kapgar
Apparently, for this draft post I re-discovered, I had written the Totally Unrelated Aside (TUA) before I wrote the actual post. How would I have had any idea how (un)related they were going to be if I never wrote the main post? I'm weird.
Continue reading "Drafts 02..." »
by kapgar
Despite their tendency to donate to conservative politicians, I am a fan of Jimmy John's subs. I love them and I don't care what you say.
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by kapgar
Over Thanksgiving break, Katie and I bought a Chamberlain MyQ Garage hub kit. We would’ve gotten either a hub or an opener with one built in when we bought a new garage door opener a couple years back but it was still a little cost prohibitive at about $100.
Continue reading "Disconnected..." »
by kapgar
I was pretty impressed that my old friend Harley nailed last week’s #MiniMusicMonday. It was, indeed, Collective Soul.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2019.49..." »
by kapgar
My second Kevin's 7 list of 2019 is nigh! And it be all about the funny picture books we all love so much. Much like last year, I had a lot of fun just reading graphic novels and collected editions of comics. In fact, I really didn't read any individual comic books at all. I just wait until a collection is available and then go to town on anywhere from 4 to 7 issues in one fell swoop. It really is the best way to go... until you have to wait another 4 to 7 months to continue the story. C'est la vie.
Continue reading "Kevin's 7: Comics '19..." »
by kapgar
A few months ago, Katie and I discovered the Gerard Butler Fallen trilogy. For the uninitiated, they are Olympus Has Fallen (2013), London Has Fallen (2016), and Angel Has Fallen (2019) and feature Butler as Mike Banning, a Secret Service agent in service first to President Benjamin Asher (Aaron Eckhart) and then President Allan Trumbull (Morgan Freeman) as he tries to save them and others from a variety of threats both external and internal to the government.
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by kapgar
Having access to multiple unlimited libraries of movies and TV shows and music and whatever else streaming down to whatever device you prefer is really nice, indeed.
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by kapgar
'Tis that time! I picked Bob Gibson...
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by kapgar
This was shared with me by one of our developers at work. It’s pretty accurate. And, yes, I’m in quality assurance (tester).
Continue reading "Tested..." »
by kapgar
November... what a crap month for goals.
Continue reading "November Goals..." »
by kapgar
My Pitchfork buddy, Eric, was Johnny on the Spot with last week’s #MiniMusicMonday.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2019.48..." »
by kapgar
Here it be, the first of my year-in-review posts for 2019. Kevin’s 7 Podcasts!
Continue reading "Kevin’s 7: Podcasts ‘19..." »