
This morning, I backed out of my garage to go to work and saw that my neighbors’ garage door was open with no cars present. 

I texted them to let them know. This is what ensued...


I screen capped this and sent it to Katie. All day long, she’s been telling me and coworkers that this or that is why we can’t have nice things. I doubt it will end anytime soon. 

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TBT: Woody...

Feb 13
Nathan brought this to me the other day. I had no idea he had it. He wanted me to have it back because he knew it was mine when I was a kid. It’s my old Woody Woodpecker plush toy!...
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Feb 15
A couple days ago, a guy I know posted his 10 Movies to Know Me. In other words, these movies are so vital to him personally that understanding him requires an intimate knowledge of these films. #tenmoviestoknowme 1) Jaws 2)...


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I'm shaking my head.
I'm locking the gates.


Someone wants to keep his nice things.

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