by kapgar
Found this little gem over on Dave2’s blog. Although it proved to be a lot of work, it was very cool. Basically, you have to list a band you have seen live corresponding to each letter of the alphabet.
Continue reading "Tu(n)esday: A to Z..." »
by kapgar
Kevin Spencer nailed last week's #MiniMusicMonday challenge photo rather quickly. I was proud of him.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2020.13..." »
by kapgar
We’ve begun a Shelter-at-Home project. No, not home renovation. We finally finished that damn bathroom today so I hope to be reno project free for a while.
Continue reading "Scuttler 01..." »
by kapgar
Here are my week two additions to the Social Distancing Bingo board. I’m using a darker orange to denote week two.
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by kapgar
Oh, man. SyFy — née The SciFi Channel — is running a weekend long Harry Potter marathon. With how Nathan’s been trending lately, our Roku is never leaving that channel.
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by kapgar
10 years ago today was the day that I worked a special event that featured Olympic champion Evan Lysacek returning home to Naperville, IL, to accept a key to the city with his Dancing With the Stars partner Anna Trebunskya.
Continue reading "TBT: Evanna..." »
by kapgar
Look at that! One week, two videos! This is a quickie little video to kickoff a new series I’m dubbing Synth Adventures over on YouTube and Instagram.
Continue reading "Video: Synth Adventures 01..." »
by kapgar
My buddy, Blaine, posted this to Instagram yesterday.
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by kapgar
Man oh man, Christa was all over last week’s #MiniMusicMonday like white on rice. And much like her husband, Steve, she posted on both Instagram and Facebook to make sure I knew she was first.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2020.12..." »
by kapgar
I flirted with sleep last night. Balancing the weight of my eyelids with the desire to finish whatever show it was we had playing on TV.
Continue reading "Moist..." »
by kapgar
Wait a second here! Not only did Mark Waid — of Archie fame — start writing a standalone series titled Invisible Woman based on Susan Storm from the Fantastic Four, but he’s also three issues deep??
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by kapgar
This video is not gonna make no sense to no one and I made it anyway. It’s about a digital trading card app I played for five years and recently quit called Star Wars Card Trader by Topps.
Continue reading "Video: Monument..." »
by kapgar
If social media is any indication, people are at least trying to maintain a healthy sense of humor in the age of the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are some faves...
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by kapgar
A certain Midwest-based furniture chain announced recently that they are going out of business. Why do I care? Well, I owe them money for a mattress that we financed a couple Black Fridays ago.
Continue reading "OOB..." »
by kapgar
Yes! Synths! As in “short for synthesizers.” Very expensive electronic music-making equipment but in iOS app format.
Continue reading "Tu(n)esday: Synths..." »
by kapgar
My buddy Kevin Spencer was quickest to the draw on last week’s #MiniMusicMonday with an A-ha album I picked up a little more than a week ago. Scoundrel Days... damn fine album.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2020.11..." »
by kapgar
While it's true that I've seen all the Harry Potter movies several times each, there's nothing quite like watching them with your own kiddo for the first time. I know I mentioned this before, but we've moved much farther along in the series than I ever expected us to do.
Continue reading "Phoenix..." »
by kapgar
Happy Pandemic Pi Day, y’all!
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by kapgar
It’s certainly been an interesting week, hasn’t it? That’s not to take away from the previous couple of months, of course. But this week marks the official declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic worldwide and a national emergency in the United States.
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by kapgar
Seven years and two days ago, I snapped what remains one of my all-time favorite photos of Nathan. And it was purely by accident, too, that I took it.
Continue reading "TBT: Accidental..." »
by kapgar
I finished a book!
An actual, physical, non-audio, non-graphic-novel book!
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by kapgar
One of my very favorite bands to arise from the post-grunge 90s is Chicago’s very own Urge Overkill.
Continue reading "Tu(n)esday/MFS: UO..." »
by kapgar
It was another of my favorite types of photo finishes on #MiniMusicMonday. Eric edged out Stephen by a hair with Van Halen 5150.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2020.10..." »
by kapgar
One of my old college roommates once subscribed to the belief that to be a fan of a general concept, you must be a fan of all specific instances of it. If that reads like mud, I apologize. I couldn't think of a better way to word it.
Continue reading "Onward..." »
by kapgar
This article fills me with rage and leaves me chalk full of bad things I want to do to people who violate his or her grammar teachings, irregardless of what you may think and say to I. So unthaw that brain of yours and read on!
by kapgar
Man, them Girl Scouts are ruthless, aren’t they?
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by kapgar
Given Nathan's recently developed love of Harry Potter, it's only right that today's On This Day photo in Facebook for us is...
Continue reading "TBT: Potter..." »
by kapgar
Katie decided tonight that, instead of watching something we have saved on Hulu or AT&T TV Now, we’d begin watching the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies in chronological order.
Continue reading "MCU..." »
by kapgar
Nathan’s been editing his Spotify playlist a bit lately. Removing some old songs he doesn’t want to hear anymore, adding some new ones, reordering a little.
Continue reading "Tu(n)esday: Sonic..." »
by kapgar
I love when two people chime in with the correct answer to #MiniMusicMonday in short order. Means y’all enjoy and get this little game of mine. My buddy Eric edged out Marty by about an hour.
Continue reading "Macro Monday 2020.09..." »
by kapgar
Another month has come and gone. Let’s see how my goal achievement has proceeded.
Continue reading "Feb '20..." »