30 posts from June 2020

Kevism: Muted...

One thing I hate doing that I’ve only done on rare occasion is to unfollow or mute or otherwise hide a person from my timeline on social media. Usually l can tolerate stupidity for a short time knowing that this too shall pass. Well, it wasn’t happening with a certain somebody and their conservative ranting peaked today and resulted in me muting this person from my timeline. I didn’t go so far as to unfollow them. Not yet, anyway. We’ll see what happens when November passes. Assuming things go my way, that is. 

Tu(n)esday: Political...

I know most of you have, at the very least, heard of the band Rage Against the Machine. They were a heavy metal/rap-rock band that started in the early 1990s and are very well known for their highly politicized songwriting. They are, IMHO, the guitar-driven equivalent of my beloved Public Enemy, although Megadeth is up there as well.

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Since we, as a full family, are now through the eight-film Harry Potter series and have even watched them each at least 2-3 times, I think it's safe to go ahead and do my rankings! This should, in all honesty, be a pretty easy one to rank and likely won't ever see any updates. Oh, except for when I get around to watching the Fantastic Beasts films. Okay, one update.

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