
I know he’s not the greatest candidate. I know he may not be everyone’s first choice.

But after the crapfest that was both the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates, the shitshow of Trump’s handling of his own positive Coronavirus diagnosis, and the unfathomable breeding ground that has been made of the White House, among thousands of other ridiculous acts of dishonor heaped upon our country and the world in the last four years, there is zero question that this is how it needs to go, right?


This is about the only way to save our country.

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Oct 7
Yanno what? Forget testing it out. If I don't pull the trigger and launch my new site now, I'm never going to. It's not like I don't have the old design saved that I can't easily revert to if something...
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Oct 9
I don’t usually read Rolling Stone magazine. At least not since I canceled my subscription way back in the mid-aughts. That’s not to say they don’t, on occasion, have an article I’d like to read and then I do. That...


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