
The closer we get to Inauguration 2021, the more nervous I get about the fact that the Democratic Party is going to have full control over both the Senate and the House of Representatives as well as the Presidency.

Ever since taking U.S. History classes in middle school, high school, and college, I've always had it hammered home that it's important to have that split and maintain the possibility that while one or two of those groups can be from one party, there will be some balance provided by the remainder being controlled by the other party. It's called "Checks and Balances," and, if you aren't familiar with the concept, you should... check it out right now. 

I'm here all week, folks. Tip your servers!

Seriously, though, as someone who has never identified as being one party or the other, I always appreciated the importance of a separation of powers. Sure, the reality is that what typically happens in any government is anything but truly checked and balanced, but it still feels nice having that in place. 

It's especially important when one or two rogue politicians are given a platform from which to espouse any or all kind of craziness. 

Checksandchecks[image courtesy of]

But what happens when it seems like a majority of one party is off their proverbial rocker, as I tend to view the Republican Party right now? And you don't trust them to do anything right. Not even remotely right. Not even a modicum of right.

Well, you thank god, first, that one of the biggest crazies will be gone in favor of the far lesser of two evils. And you pray that the Democrats don't waste the next four years running things into the ground in their own unique way.

Prove me wrong, Democrats. Please.


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Marty Mankins

Your point is very valid, especially so with the checks and balances side of things. Even with those checks and balances somewhat in place with the Democrats in control of the House, nothing got done due to two power hungry crazies (one is Orange and the other is a wrinkled turtle) that blocked everything important.

As a life long Democrat, I echo your statement above. Prove me wrong, Democrats. Please.


Fingers crossed.

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