5 Days...
Got an email from Nathan's school district the other day. It read, in part...
As you are aware, last week Geneva 304 received updated public health guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois State Board of Education. This new guidance will allow us to re-evaluate the hybrid schedule of our In-Person Model and prepare to expand our In-Person Model to five days a week while maintaining a safe learning environment and minimizing disruptions such as a change in building or teacher assignment.
Based on this development, our task force has been refining plans to allow for K-12 students enrolled in the In-Person Learning model to return to five-day on-site education following spring break on April 5, in accordance with the most recent public health guidance. The Online-Only Learning model will continue to be in place for families that have chosen that option as well.
Wow. So it's all over? For now, anyway.
I'm not sure I get it. When April 5 arrives, there will only be nine weeks left of school. Is there really any point in disrupting an already fouled-up year by making the kids get used to something new all over again? Isn't it bad enough that they had to get used to this and now, when they've got their footing and are marching along quite effectively, you tense up the tripwire on them?
I know a lot of the people I know who have kids are looking waaaaaayyyyy forward to having their kids back in school. They've been going nuts.
I won't say it's been perfect, but I've loved having him here with me two or three days a week. I'm gonna miss the little booger.
While it won't mean a return to my office because I still need to be here for him when he gets out of school at 2 p.m., it does mean maybe I can get out of the house a little bit and, perhaps, back to the library to work or a coffee shop or, well, anywhere with good wifi, coffee, and comfortable seating.
But my office? It's a 35-40 minute drive away only to have to come back home at lunch. Oh wait. We don't even have our old office anymore. We sold it and moved. So that's actually gonna be 45-50 minutes away.
Hmmmm, I may do that on occasion. But certainly not regularly.
Whatever the case, I'm going to miss my little officemate. It's gonna be weird. If it even lasts.
I can't help but feel like it would make more sense for kids to go back to in-person learning next school year, once the majority of adults are vaccinated. I realize it's difficult for many parents who have to work outside the home and don't have the privilege of childcare, but I agree that it seems strange to make this change so close to the end of the school year. If I read what you wrote correctly, however, you have the choice to keep him home for the remainder of this school year, right? I would probably do that in your situation since it's been working well for you personally. Not that you asked me! :)
Posted by: Nicole | Saturday, 20 March 2021 at 01:22 PM
We’ve been doing hybrid to this point. 2-3 days in school. The only options now are full in school or full remote. He needs his class time so he’ll be back full time. Still weird timing on it all.
Posted by: kapgar | Saturday, 20 March 2021 at 01:59 PM