Libroqueue 2021.05...

Wow! I did it! I actually did it! What "it" did I do? I hit my Libroqueue goal for the month, as well as the stretch goal I added in a few days later!

Once I dumped that book that wasn't speaking to me and added another graphic novel I stumbled across, here’s the full list of what I planned to read in April...

  • Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air
  • Corbin Reiff's Total F*cking Godhead: The Biography of Chris Cornell
  • Ed Piskor’s Hip Hop Family Tree
  • The 15-issue 1977-1979 run of Jack Kirby’s Black Panther (basically the 1977-79 Volume 1 & 2 collection)
  • María Hesse and Fran Ruiz's Bowie: An Illustrated Life

And I finished ALL OF THEM! It may look like five bullets, but with how those Panther comics were broken up, it's actually six books overall. I. Am. Stoked.

As for May, I plan to read:

Peter Straub's Ghost Story


Stephen King's Later


Mark Waid's Doctor Strange: Surgeon Supreme, vol. 1


Ed Brubaker's Kill or Be Killed: The Deluxe Edition (I read vol. 1 back in March, but this edition covers all four volumes of the series)


Ghost Story will be interesting. It's a long one at 500ish pages, and what I've read so far reminds me of a book I read late last year that I really didn't like. It makes a lot of sense that Straub's book was recommended to me because I read this other one. Oh well, we'll see. If I choose to not continue with it, I'll add something else instead. Gotta keep the streak alive!

Later should be fun because it's another in a series of pulp crime novels that horror master Stephen King has penned. I haven't read any of them, but I've always been intrigued. And a friend of mine highly recommended it.

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Snippets 2021.02...

Apr 28
I don't have anything of great consequence to say at the moment, so might I regale you with some Snippets? Mandela Every so often, I find a random article online that I read thoroughly instead of just skimming. Usually, it...
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Apr 30
Tonight, Katie and I are doing something we haven’t done much since the pandemic began... watching an original movie made for adults and not kids. The film? Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse. I consider myself a Michael B. Jordan fan so...


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Marty Mankins

The Bowie and Chris Cornell books have me curious.


Bowie is cool because it’s a graphic novel that takes liberties with facts for the sake of artistic presentation. Loved it. The Cornell book was just awesome. One of my favorite bios ever and I’ve read a ton of them. It made me an unrelenting fan.

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