TBT: Larson…
I was flipping through old Instagram images and found this image from a book signing with Erik Larson, the author of Devil and the White City.
In addition to older books, he was signing copies of his then-new book In the Garden of Beasts.
I’m a fan of Larson’s historical drama. The way he deftly interweaves two seemingly disparate storylines so that, by the end, they belong and make perfect sense together.
I’ve read Devil, Dead Wake, and Thunderstruck and loved them all.
But, for some reason, despite owning it since slightly before the above signing in 2011, I have yet to read Garden. In fact…
It is the oldest book on my want-to-read list in Goodreads. I do plan to read Garden this calendar year and considered also throwing his book The Splendid and the Vile into the mix. But I fear that might be too much WWII history right now. I really burned myself out on WWII, Civil War, and Holocaust history a handful of years ago.
I may have to proceed more cautiously.
Oh, and I miss book signings.
Is "The Splendid and the Vile" Civil War related?
Posted by: Suzanne Apgar | Friday, 14 May 2021 at 05:19 PM
No, it’s WWII. Much like Garden. I was just saying I burned myself out on those three genres.
Posted by: kapgar | Friday, 14 May 2021 at 05:52 PM