TBT: Grad…

I totally forgot to post pictures from Nathan’s last day as a second grader. Yeah, can you believe he’s going to be starting third grade in the fall? I sure can’t. 


A family selfie!


His final good-bye as a second grader.


For “Classroom Wars,” Nathan’s teacher decided they’d be a rainbow.

Where’d the time go?

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The news came down the pipeline today that the victim of a recent cyberattack paid more than US$10M to liberate their computer network from the ransomware attack they experienced last week. That’s a lot of cash. But what if it...
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Our home internet connection is wonky right now. Normally when you hear that, you expect intermittent connectivity, right? Sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down. What’s happening to us is that services are selective in their functionality. AppleTV is down, Hulu...


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Suzanne Apgar

Like a flash!! It seems like only yesterday you were in Mrs. Phillips kindergarten class!


The first of two Beckys.

Suzanne Apgar

Yup! I still have the coffee mug she gave me.

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