MaMo 2021.49…

I got a new winner on #MiniMoviePosterMonday this past week. It was my coworker Chelsey with Disney’s The Princess and the Frog. Great movie, BTW. One of my more recent faves.


How about this one? It’s a biter, not a lover.


We are rapidly closing in on the end of this year’s challenge, folks, and, at the very least, a hiatus from me taking macro photos.

Participate while you can, my friends. 

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Dec 5
I'm up to my John Lynch year... 'Nuff said.
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K7: Audio '21...

Dec 7
Some of my longtime readers may be looking at the title of this post wondering what the heck is going on. "Audio '21"?? Not "Music '21" or "Podcasts '21" or something like that? Nope. I'm consolidating my efforts with the...


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